twenty four!

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(  wadesboro bad  )

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(  wadesboro bad  )


KIE PARKED LUCY AT AN OUTDOOR TABLE AND DISAPPEARED. She returned five minutes later, a tray piled high with greasy food in hand. Lucy's knee hadn't stopped bouncing since she sat down. The tension of the day was bleeding into every inch of her body.

          "Kie," Lucy started, testing out the nickname, "What am I doing here?" The other girl shrugged, grabbing a fry from one of the bags.

          "I'm getting you food," Kie started, "so I can get out of working my shift." Lucy's lips quirked upwards in a smile. Knowing her, though, there was more to it than that.

For a moment, they sat in comfortable silence. Lucy hadn't eaten at the Wreck since she, Kie, and Sarah had been friends. She could remember mornings perched at the bar while they watched Kie work, and afternoons spent with takeout on the beach ("The packaging is biodegradable!" The other girl would announce, every single time). Lucy wondered if Kie was thinking about the same things she was.

          "That was cool," the other girl said, "what you just did for Pope." Lucy kept her eyes focused on the table, away from the sincerity in Kie's. "I'm serious." She shook her head.

          "JJ stepped in anyway," Lucy replied, "It wasn't even me."

          "I know. I still think it was cool." Lucy got the feeling that Kie was done speaking, but before she could reply, the other girl leaned back in her chair, tanned arms folded across her chest. "Why'd you do it?"

Lucy opened her mouth as if to reply, but closed it again on second thought. The restaurant wasn't busy, per se, but it wasn't exactly quiet.

          "Talk," Kie continued, "or I'll make you pay for the food." Lucy's eyebrows rose. Kie had always had a good poker face, and it was definitely out in full force now. She leaned forwards over the table, resting her chin on her folded hands. Lucy took another furtive look around the restaurant, then back to Kie.

          "Pope sank Topper's boat," Lucy relented, voice low. Kie's mouth dropped open.

          "The Malibu?" Lucy nodded. "Shit."

          "Yeah," Lucy affirmed, "Rafe and Topper beat him up, like JJ said. So he sank the boat." Her voice stayed level, clear.

          "How bad?"

          "Pretty bad." Kie's shoulders tensed. "And, I don't know, I saw Shoupe walking him out, and..." She trailed off, unable to really describe her thought process. She wasn't really sure she understood it herself.

          "And what?" Kie finished her sentence. "You figured you'd get yourself arrested instead of my idiot friends?" Lucy shrugged, shoulders heavy.

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