settling in

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Sirius cleared his throat "so the next time we saw Violette was at 9 3/4. Regulus hadn't been speaking to our parents, and the initial conversation on the train platform was so hostile I didn't rush off to join James and Aunt Effie. Watching was hilarious because, for once, I wasn't involved and it couldn't escalate to... anything other punishment because we were off to Hogwarts"


Regulus had stormed away from his parents as soon as politely possible, desperate to find his friends and board the train. He wanted to forget all about the engagement and stay as far away from Violette as he could.

When the train blew its final warning whistle, Genevieve put her hands around Violette's face and made her look at her. Staring into her mother's face made her want to cry, a whirl of emotion collecting behind her eyes.

"Ma chérie, you listen to me. He will come around. And if he doesn't I will do everything in my power to get this contract terminated. You will be happy, do you understand? Happy. Not with a nasty boy who doesn't appreciate you." 

Her mother was so sure, so convinced, that Violette nearly believed her. Nearly. She kissed her goodbye and climbed aboard the scarlet train just before it departed.

She looked everywhere for an empty compartment, but all were full so she knocked on Sirius's out of desperation.

To her relief he grinned and opened the door for her, bowing sarcastically as she entered. "Lads" he announced to the three other boys in the compartment. "This is my sister in law to be, Violette Delacour"

One with extremely messy hair and glasses balanced crookedly on his nose raised his eyebrows "Do you have a secret sibling Pads? Because I can't see Regulus marrying at all"

"Nope" Sirius said, guiding her into the seat beside him.

"Well don't mind me"Violette said tightly, feeling uncomfortable with the way they all looked at her with curiosity. "I'll just sit and read. I only came in because Regulus won't even look at me and I have nowhere else to sit"

Sirius sighed "well he's a bit of a stubborn prat sometimes. He'll come round. This is James, that's Remus and this is Peter. We can look out for you until Reg pulls his head out of his arse"

Remus nodded, and Violette noticed the scars across his face. She didn't say anything, but it was intriguing to her all the same. They had to have been inflicted with some sort of magic that was irreversible, which was rare. But they suited him. Peter extended a chubby hand out to her and Violette shook it warily.

She pulled out her book, Most Potente Potions, and opened to her bookmark when she was interrupted.

"Did you transfer from Beauxbatons?" James asked, leaning forward.

"Yes" Violette nodded, slightly annoyed at the disturbance.

Peter looked over to her "What's it like?"

Sighing, Violette replied "It's a palace, rather than a castle, and wood nymphs sing for us as we eat."

"And Veela's go there?" Sirius grinned.

"My cousin has married one he met there, yes" Violette snapped, after a third attempt to open her book.

Remus cleared his throat slightly "Maybe we should let Violette read her book in peace?"

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