a new leaf

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Pandora stood beside Violette as her fingers brushed against the spines of the heavily bounded books that lined Slytherin Common Room's bookshelf. It was strangely quiet, the girls having skipped dinner in the hopes of enjoying the common room without the snide comments and giggles that seemed to follow Pandora everywhere.

"How's that potion going?" Violette asked softly, reading the back of the novel she had pulled out carefully.

"I've put it to the side. I'm helping Professor Sprout with something now."


"She's looking for some Screeching Dinglesplats and I know their call so we're going into the Forbidden Forest to find them. They protect the Mandrakes she wants to install. A maternal instinct"

Violette nodded along, internally unsure of everything she had said.

"I think Xeno is coming as well" Pandora continued on. "do you think you could fix my hair for me tonight?"

"For Xenophilius?" Violette asked with a grin.

"No. It resembles a Nargle's nest like this, so I want it away from my face. Dinglesplats don't like Nargles"

Violette placed that book back and went back to skimming, suppressing a small laugh. "Of course I can, Dora"

The portrait hole swung open, and Violette tensed in anticipation for cruel words while Pandora remained perfectly still when they turned their heads.

Instead they saw Regulus and Dorcas walk in, their eyes widened in shock. It was clear they didn't expect anyone to be there. Regulus waved his hand in a sarcastic wave before turning away with a scowl and attempting to walk up the boys staircase. Dorcas caught his sleeve and whispered something in his ear before turning to the girls.

"You alright guys? Just popping in and out. Marley's taking my braids out for me tonight and I just come to find you actually Vi. Do you have a rat tail comb? Mine snapped."

Violette shook her head apologetically "Sorry Dorcas."

Pandora nodded "I have one. I left it in the Ravenclaw dorms. I'll go with you to get it"

Dorcas raised her eyebrows "Uh, thanks Malfoy? Bye Reg"

She patted his cheek affectionately and left the room quickly, Pandora in turn.

That left the pair alone. Violette turned back to the shelf, avoiding eye contact. Even after considering what Sirius had told her, she wasn't sure what to believe. Who's to say Regulus wasn't lying to maintain a relationship with his brother?

The boy cleared his throat. "What are you looking for? Maybe I can help?"

Violette looked up at him. She hadn't heard him advance, and now he was standing beside her a head taller. "Nothing in particular."

There was a brief silence, although not an uncomfortable one.

Regulus's voice cut across the silence, so quiet she had to strain to listen "You were reading Nicolas Flamel's novel on alchemy last week"

Violette stilled. "Yes. Yes, I was. I'm surprised you noticed?"

Instead of answering her implied question as to why he was watching her, Regulus pulled a novel from a shelf she couldn't have reached and handed it to her. "It's good, but this one's better if you're interested in potions. It is a study on Giulia Tofana. I read it in fourth year so there are probably some of my annotations still in it"

As she took it, her fingers brushed against his and she felt a slight shiver run through her. "Thank you"

Regulus stepped away, bowing his head and moving to turn away.

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