slughorn's invite

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Dorcas decided to sit beside Regulus when she saw him in the Great Hall, sulking over eggs. She lowered herself onto the bench, avoiding looking at the Gryffindor table. Marlene usually welcomed her over there most days, but it was never really comfortable to be around a house of Slytherin haters. Still, she didn't want her to think she was avoiding her.

"Alright Evan?" she nodded at the blonde boy who was resting on Barty's shoulder. "I'm surprised Crouch hasn't blasted your head off"

Rosier shook his head "he loves it"

Dorcas moved closer to Regulus, who hadn't even acknowledged her arrival. "So when will you and your betrothed start acting as disgusting as these two?"

He ignored her pointedly, stabbing at a bit of toast with his fork.

"You can't speak Dor" Barty's tongue flicked out to wet his lips, serpent like. "You hold hands with a Gryffindor. Highest betrayal"

Dorcas nodded her head at Regulus, a questioning look on her face.

Barty's eyes gleamed. "His lovely mum's signed him up for a meeting with the Dark Lord"

Her eyes widened as she looked at Regulus, who's bloodshot eyes finally met hers. "I'm so sorry"

He shrugged, stabbing at his food again. "Evan and Barty are joining too. Bella and Cissa will be there. I won't be alone"

Dorcas took his hand in hers and stroked her thumb across it slowly. He flinched at the contact at first, but found a strange comfort in it as she continued.

Violette looked over to the intimate group, their heads all bent together over their breakfast. "who's that girl? With them?"

Pandora sighed and turned to follow Violette's eyes, a small smile as she realised who she was talking about "Dorcas. Are you jealous? That she's holding his hand?"

She watched as her friend shook her head adamantly, heat spreading across her cheeks. "No. I just wonder about his friends. What they're like"

"Well" Pandora said, loading her plate with more toast. "I think the best thing to do is to ask him"

Violette choked on her pumpkin juice, causing the table to look over at her. "Ask him?" she hissed.

"You alright Delacour?" Rosier called down, smirking from his place on Barty's shoulder.

"Why don't you come down" Dorcas suggested.

Regulus's fingers pinched the bridge of his nose.

Violette stood slowly, walking down to the wall side of the table. Pandora stayed put, turning back to her notebook and sketching the effects of her recent potion.

She stopped beside Barty, awkwardly waiting for something.

"Move" he said sharply, causing a third year to shift down the bench in fear. When he turned back to her, he flashed Violette a charming smile "here, sit"

Reluctantly she did, folding her hands in her lap.

"So" Barty continued, "you're the lucky girl Reggie's marrying." Rosier sniggered into him.

"Unfortunate" Violette corrected.

This was met with even more obnoxious laughter, even Dorcas smiling slightly to herself.

"Did Slughorn invite you to his party tonight?" Rosier asked, sitting up so he could look at her properly.

Violette nodded.

"Well then you'll go with Regulus" Barty replied, licking his lips quickly and waiting for a reply. The way he stared was unnerving.

"Isn't he supposed to ask me on a date? Not get his friends to?"

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