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The trio couldn't meet with Sirius for days after that night, as Molly was growing suspicious. She knew of their rule breaking habits and endless curiosity, the whole Order did. Their reputation proceeded them. So she put charms outside their doors at night, ready to alert her if they were opened.  It was rather awkward when Harry was caught out the first night, unaware of the magic. A strange, detailed lie of night time toilet trips came out in a panic, and Molly left him in a fairly pink hurry.

So now the three sat at breakfast, hushed whispers between them.

"We need a way around them" Harry stabbed at the eggs in front of him aimlessly.

Hermione's eyes sparkled "Well I've been in Sirius's library -"

"Of course" The twins popped into the room, wide grins on their faces. "Where would you be if not a library, Mione?"

She blushed slightly and didn't continue.

"Don't worry" Fred said with a wink.

"We know about your situation" George finished.

Ron sighed into his hands as his friends frowned in a dawning panic. "Didn't mum tell you to quit it with those ears?"

"Well clearly you don't listen to her either" George pointed out. "But anyway we're here to help"

They moved over to Molly's enchanted stirring pots and pans and helped themselves to eggs and bacon. Fred sat down first, pulling the chair so his legs wrapped around it and it's back was to his chest. George busied himself with making toast.

"We know you're sneaking into Regulus Black's room each night"

"And we know mum kicked off about it"

"The whole Order heard!"

"Even the ones that were on missions"

Harry rolled his eyes.

George sat beside his brother, toast shovelled into his mouth. "We propose apparition, to and from your rooms."

Ron looked at them wearily. "What for? What do you want?"

Fred smiled wickedly. "Test subjects"

"No" Hermione shook her head indignantly. "No way"

"Then no more snooping" Fred shrugged, cutting his eggs up and dumping the yolk on George's plate. George returned the gesture with the soft whites, the pair in sync with eachother.


Sirius stroked Buckbeak's feathers slowly, his mind back in his days at Hogwarts. Talking about Regulus cast him back there often, and the memories of his happiest years haunted him. He lingered in the background of them, watching his friends wreak havoc alongside his younger self. The edges of the scenes were faded, crumbling, as a result of Azkaban.

He didn't notice Remus walk into his room and sit on his bed.

"Do you miss him?" he almost whispered.

Sirius's back straightened, and Remus winced at how skinny his friend still was. Despite the Order constantly stuffing food down his throat, Sirius's bones were still protruding through his clothes and his eyes were still hollow.

"More then I thought I would. I vowed not to, remember? Not to miss him" his voice was croaky, and Buckbeak nuzzled into his side.

Remus stood and placed a hand to his friend's shoulder.

"I should have saved him when I had the chance. He could have still been here, with Vi. Wherever that witch is now" Sirius laughed, the chuckle void of humour. "Even Voldemort couldn't be rid of her"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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