The Beginning

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"...What have I done?"

Sighing and rolling himself out of bed, Peter Parker sat up and turned on the cheap lamp next to him. His eyes, still used to the dark and flinching at the light. Covering his eyes up with his arm, he moved to a patched up old chair, that he took from his late Aunt May's storage unit, and sat down in it, just as his late Uncle Ben had done many times in past years. Peter ran a hand through his hair and exhaled.

"What have I done?" he asked himself, again.

Looking to the picture on his desk of himself and his girlfriend, Dani Cimorelli. The picture was of them embracing and looking happy together. He swallowed the lump in his throat and walked over to his desk. Picking the picture up, Peter smiled in fondness and sniffled.

"I gotta get her back."

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