"It's like having amnesia that just won't go away"

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Peter and Dani were in the park having a picnic date. Dani also brought her guitar, so she could teach him how to play.

"Ok, put your first finger there... Yeah, good! And then your second finger there... Nice! And then your third finger there..."

"Ok, and now I strum?"

"Yeah! Go for it!"

Peter strummed, smiling once the beautiful sound of the guitar rang out.

"Nice! You just played a C!"

"You know... I kinda think you chose the chords you were gonna teach me, before we came here."

"Wh- what makes you think that?" blushed a slightly embarrassed Dani.

"Well, your initials are 'DC' and those are the chords you just taught me," smiled Peter.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," shrugged a smug Dani. "Not my fault those are the two best chords."

Peter and Dani laughed.

"Wanna get some hot chocolate?" asked Peter.

"I'd love to," smiled Dani.

And with that, Dani packed her guitar up, while Peter threw the trash away and put the blanket back inside of his backpack. Once the two were ready, they both went to a coffee shop and got some hot chocolate.


They were sitting in the store enjoying their respective drinks, when Peter spoke his mind.

"You know what?" asked Peter. "You made the right call not going for the large peppermint hot chocolate. The small ones were the best choice."

"Thank you!" said Dani. "No one ever believes me! The large ones just make you feel sick!"

"Any other words of wisdom you got for me?"

"Please, I have a whole list of notes to self on my phone."

"Nice!" smiled Peter. "I think I should start doing that too... I- I mean, not as, like, in a copying you kind of way! I- I just meant... you know, like... Like, uh... Like something to help me out, you know?"

Dani giggled.

"Relax, dork of cuteness. I know what you meant."

Peter's smile instantly faded from his face. He stopped in his tracks and was hit with memories of how she used to call him that all the time, before the spell's effects took place.

"Hey, are you ok?" asked a genuinely concerned Dani.

"Huh? Oh, uh... yeah, yeah. I- I'm fine..." smiled Peter, unconvincingly. "I- I just need some air. I'll be back in a sec."

Peter quickly got up from his seat and walked outside, leaving Dani knowing she probably said something that reminded him of the past, that she couldn't remember for the life of her.


When Dani walked outside, she saw her date leaning over the edge of the Rockefeller Center ice rink. Peter watched the people skating, laughing, and having fun with their respective family, friends, and loved ones. Dani took a deep breath and walked up to him.

"I said something, didn't I?" she asked, nervously. "About our past?"

Peter sniffled, wiped his nose, and turned back to face her, nodding in response. Dani let out a sigh, before speaking.

"It's just... you know, I'm trying here... I'm trying to remember but I can't.... I- it's like having amnesia that won't go away..."

Peter didn't say anything, but just kept looking at the skaters.

"...I'm just gonna go-"

Within the blink of an eye, Peter grabbed Dani's arm and stopped her.

"No..." he pleaded. "Stay... please."

"You need a hug?"

Peter nodded, before he and his girl hugged.


After walking to some random alleyway, Ned stopped and was forced to look down at the ground, by the voice in his head. This is what he saw:

"Load it up," ordered the voice

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"Load it up," ordered the voice.

Taking off his backpack, Ned picked up every individual piece and packed them up, before walking back to Lola's house.


After fixing the helmet, Ned took out a can of spray paint, before coating the once green helmet in pale orange. Once the paint had dried, he removed the yellow eye lenses and replaced them out with red ones. 

"Phase one is nearly complete."

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