"I'm Spider-Man."

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Later that night, Peter couldn't seem to fall asleep. He couldn't wait any longer. He had to get Dani to remember him and now. Grabbing his phone, he called Dani.

"Peter? What's up? You ok?"

"I'm fine. I just- I have something to tell you. Meet me outside of your apartment building."

"Uh, ok. See you the-"

Peter hung up and grabbed his suit. He put it on, then put his clothes on over it, before leaving and going to his old apartment complex.


Meanwhile, Ned had managed to sneak into a Stark Enterprises storage unit, grabbed the Mark XLIII, and some prototype hand grenades. He then broke into Ryker's prison vault and stole the Green Goblin's glider. He then stole a blood sample of Osborn's infected blood from Happy's penthouse. After injecting himself with the sample and making some adjustments to the helmets, Ned Leeds was now...

 After injecting himself with the sample and making some adjustments to the helmets, Ned Leeds was now

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The Hobgoblin.


Once Peter arrived outside of the old apartment complex, he could see the Cimorelli family laughing together inside from the window. He smiled in fondness, remembering all the good times he had with them.

"Hey," said a voice from behind him, causing Peter to jump out of fear. "Whoa, sorry."

"No, don't be. If anything, I should be sorry. I- I know it's late-"

"Nah, don't worry about it. I just told my family I was gonna get something from a friend's place... So, what's up?"

"I... I'm just gonna show you," smiled Peter.

Peter grabbed Dani's wrist and pulled her behind the building.


"Peter, what is it? Just tell me!" she whined.

"Is anyone looking?" asked a nervous Peter.

Dani looked around and shook her head no.

"All clear, why?"

Peter took a deep breath and opened up his shirt, revealing his suit. Dani just looked at him in awe.

"I'm Spider-Man."

Dani's shocked facial expression quickly turned into an amused one. 

"Wow, you almost got me there," she laughed. "But I gotta give it to you, that's really good cosplay! You planning on going to Comic Con or what?"

"Dan, I'm serious!" whispered Peter, as he buttoned up his shirt again.

"Yeah, ok-" scoffed Dani, before reaching in her purse and pulling out a sweet Hawaiian roll.

"D- Dani? What's the bread for-"

His question was soon answered, when Dani threw the roll at him.

"Yeah... you just wasted a perfectly good piece of bread," sighed Peter.

"I- I just wanted to see if you'd dodge it."

"Yeah, but that's for threats... and well, bread's not all that threatening," sighed Peter. "You know what, just hold on to me."


"Just trust me, please?" he asked.

"At least you asked nicely," quipped Dani. 

Once Dani held on to him, Peter wrapped an arm around her, jumped up, and swung himself and the screaming girl away.


After hearing her youngest sister screaming, Lauren ran outside to look for Dani.

"Dan?" she called.

Lauren sighed and pulled out her phone, calling Lisa.

"Lise? You still have your flying license?" she asked. "Good, we gotta get in the helicopter now."

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