"Something's not right about this guy"

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Peter quickly walked to Central Park, looking for Dani, as it was her favorite place in the city. Just then, a girl accidentally walked right into him.

"Oops, sorry!" she blushed, before grabbing her guitar case and notebook, and going on her way. 

Before she could get too far, however, she turned back around to face him. Peter's eyes went wide, once he saw it was her. It was Dani.

"Um... sorry, if this seems kinda weird, but... you're that guy from last week, right?"

"Huh?... Oh! Oh, yeah! Uh... I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm Peter," he said, nervously. "Peter Parker."

"Well, Peter Parker..." she smiled, putting her glove-covered hand out. "It's nice to meet you."

Peter felt his heart break, after hearing those words.

"Yeah, it's, uh... nice to meet you too," he said, shaking her hand. "Uh, although, we have met before."

"Oh, my gosh!" she cried, putting her hands over her mouth. "I'm so sorry. Wh- where have we-"

She stopped herself, once she felt a familiar wave of energy between her and Peter. When she looked into his eyes, she felt warm. She felt safe. She felt cared for. She felt loved.

"Uh... sorry. I just-"

"No, it's alright!" Peter reassured her.

"Well, I gotta get to writing, but I'd like to see you again," she smiled, before writing something in her notebook and tearing out the page. "Here's my number."

"Uh, thanks, but I... thanks."

"Don't tell me you already have it," she smiled.

"Uh... no?"

"Oh, my gosh... I feel like a putz."

"Hey... you're not a putz."

Dani felt her heart flutter.

"C- can I... can I give you a hug?" asked Dani, cautiously.

"Uh... yeah, sure."

Peter pulled his girl in for a hug and for a few seconds, everything felt like normal.

"Well, uh..." said Peter, after he and Dani pulled away. "...I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," smiled Dani.

They looked into each others' eyes and smiled, before waving to each other and walking away. Meanwhile, hiding in the bushes was Ned Leeds. 

"Something's not right about this guy," he thought.

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