"Y- you still have it?"

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Peter was walking back to his apartment, when he accidentally bumped into Dani... literally.


"Hi!... Peter, right?"

"Uh... Yeah, yeah. That's me," smiled Peter, trying to hide his hurt.


"No, don't be... it's not like... It's a long story. Hey, uh... I- I was wondering... would you, maybe, wanna... hang out sometime?"

Dani smiled.

"Yeah... I mean, we have history together, right?"

"Right!" exclaimed Peter. "I- I mean, yeah."

"You're really cute, Peter Parker..." smiled Dani, after a little giggle. 

Dani put her hands up to her face to hide her blush, but when Peter saw the promise ring he gave her and that she was still wearing it, he felt a mix of emotions wash over him.

"You ok?" asked a concerned Dani.

"Y- you still have it?" stuttered an astonished and kind of emotional Peter.

"Oh, my ring?" asked Dani. "Yeah... I- I know it's for a specific reason, but I... I don't know what the reason is... I don't remember what it's for... I wish I could... Did- did you give this to me?"

"I'll tell you about it later..." smiled Peter. "Promise... I- I'll text you the details later, alright?"

"Ok..." smiled Dani. "Bye."

"Later, Dan."

The two hugged. Peter felt like the spell never happened, while Dani felt at home, in a strange way. They smiled and waved goodbye, before going back to their respective apartments.

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