3. should i stay or should i go

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he was a skater boyyy. alright i'm gonna cut back on the lines that Joe Keery has said in his projects 😭. i swear i only meant to say one thing he said but i unintentionally said mad things he has said before. but it's cool just enjoy.

Darling, you got to let me know, Should I stay or should I go? If you say that you are mine, I'll be here 'till the end of time. So you got to let me know, Should I stay or should I go? ;

should i stay or should i go by The Clash



"Finn you coming over or what man." Bruce asks me over facetime. "yeah for sure i just had to do some stuff but, did you get that amber alert." I asked.

"oh the one about the kid who went missing." i mean yeah that's what a fucking amber alert is.

"Yeah, but don't worry about that, we are going to pick you up right now," he said.

it's already 8 and it's a school night, my dad will not let me go. "Wait, who's we?" I asked and I should've known already.

"Hey Finn." a taunting voice that wasn't Bruce's but sounded unfortunately familiar. "Hi Robin." I said with no amusement in my voice. how come Bruce is always with this Robin kid all of a sudden, i mean i'm used to him being with Vance and man is that guy scary.

I heard a honk from outside my window and immediately knew it was them because I heard the honk over the call also. "You could've just said you were here, my old man is here." I said getting up to lock my door.

"well then hurry up and let's go.'' I hear Robin say and they honk their horn again. I open my window so I don't have to hear my father's mouth about me going out on a school.

I walk over to the car and hop into the backseat and they're blasting music. "yo it's Finney." Robin chants and Bruce drives off to wherever the hell we're going.

Robin has a spliff per usual but is kind of quiet. "Well I'm gonna hit up my spot real quick and I'll be back." Bruce says putting the car in park and hops out.

and here we are again. alone in this same persons car with the same person not even twenty four hours later. "you good back there." Robin asked and i scrunch my eyebrows.

"yeah i'm fine." I said in a duh tone. "I don't know, you sounded a little nervous on the phone." he pointed out, lighting up his joint.

"Well someone just got kidnapped in this very small town. for all i know the kidnapper could be my next door neighbor.'' I rolled my eyes leaning back in my seat letting out a huff.

He reached his hand with the joint in it towards me hinting for me to take it, i freak out.

"oh no i don't smoke." i panicked quickly and he huffs out a laugh, "well it sounds like you need to start." he laughed.

That sounds a little offensive but I'll just ignore it. I've never tried smoking before.

fuck it. I took the spliff from his hand and started smoking it. I held back the coughs that were itching to come out of my throat.

The smoke blows out of my mouth as well as my nose and it burns a lot, but not like a hot burn, it kind of felt nice. The way the smoke burned my throat felt kind of satisfying.

We sat in the car for what felt like hours. i swear Bruce's drug shit takes fucking forever. The past fifteen minutes I've just been, well not really listening because I don't know what they're saying to Robin and what sounds like he's arguing with someone in spanish over the phone.

"no puedes darme órdenes, si quiero quedarme fuera un día de clases, ese es mi problema.".. - "¿En serio? ¡Soy madre, tu madre y no quiero que mi hijo deambule afuera cuando falta alguien!"

I can hear the person screaming even though the phone isn't even on speaker. sucks to be him i guess.

we're gonna be here for a while i feel. I lay down in the backseat as I heard the person and Robin still going back and forth.

After smoking almost that whole spliff I've just been feeling like I was floating out of my body. all the anxiousness i felt sort of, went away? I mean I'm not even mad at it, I feel so much better than before.

I slowly started to doze off and before I knew it I was asleep.



I huffed while hanging up the phone. My mom is all over my case because someone else's kid went missing. I'm confused on what that has to do with me but it's whatever.

I hear light noises from the back seat and I turn around and see Finn sleeping on his side. He was covering his face I'm guessing because of the light.

I switch the light off and I see Bruce finally walking over to the car. gosh this kid.

"Bro my moms on my ass right now so take us to my house." I said quickly, still irritated. "us?" he questioned. "yeah i'm sure he'd rather die than have me drop him off at his house with his dad like this." I don't think Bruce even acknowledged the fact that Finn was passed out in the back seat.

The drive to my house was silent the whole time. I kept finding myself peeking at Finn still sleeping soundly in the back.

not because he looks cute or anything i'm just making sure he's still breathing. this weed shit is hardcore, just kidding.

alright how are we gonna do this.

I gave Bruce a look, he scrunched his eyebrows, we both turned our heads to the backseat and looked back at each other. Okay, that seems logical.

were walking to my front porch with both of Finn's arms draped over our shoulders while he's taking small steps following us.

I unlocked the door and we kind of dragged Finn up the stairs to my room and laid him on my bed. "Alright, never give him any form of any drug ever again." Bruce pats my shoulder and starts to head out.

He closes the door and I turn back to Finn and he is looking at me. He pouts and turns his head away. "You don't want to look at me." I said acting sad and he flipped me off.

Well, he's going to be one interesting friend...

A/n; holy crap its almost 6 am i gotta go to bed. i'll see you losers later thanks for reading. (didn't proof read)

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