12. obsesión

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Del celular llamaba y tú no contestabas
Luego te puse un beeper y no había conexión
Mi única esperanza es que oigas mis palabras
"No puedo, tengo novio"
No me enganches, por favor
No, no es amor (Escúchame por favor)
Lo que tú sientes (¿Qué es?) se llama obsesión
Una ilusión (Estoy perdiendo el control)
En tu pensamiento
Que te hace hacer cosas
Así funciona el corazón

- Obsesión by Aventura



"Te amo tanto, eres perfecto en todos los sentidos, te prometo que realmente eres mi corazón. No puedo decírtelo en inglés, pero lo haré algún día."

we were walking into school and Robin had been speaking to me in Spanish the whole way here. "Robin, i still have no clue what you're saying." i stopped and turned to him.

"sí, sé que ese es el punto." he rolled his eyes and started walking again.

"did you just smart mouth me in a language that i don't even know." i watch him continue walking.

i know this mother-

"don't walk away from me!" i shouted then sprinted to catch up to him. "Finn, Estoy jodidamente obsesionado con que no puedes decir?" Robin said grabbing and shaking my shoulders.

"you're driving me crazy!" i shouted.

"bueno." he shouted back.

"woah what is going on here." Vance came over to us with Bruce with him. "he's been speaking to me in spanish since we were on the phone last night." i told the two of them. i can tell Robin is holding back a smirk.

"just google translate it." Bruce shrugged. Robin slapped his shoulder, "or maybe don't do that." Bruce chirped quickly.

i roll my eyes. Robin has been kind of a handful recently in the best way possible of course. i think us going through what we went through together made us stronger and connect on a deeper level. i've never had feelings for someone like this before and i don't know what to call it.

Robin smiles and gives me a hug with his arms around my waist. well that's one way distract me from being upset.

i hug him back, "Te prometo que no estoy diciendo nada que te haga daño." he pulls away from the hug, "i just don't have the courage to tell you all of this right now." he said honestly.

"alright well i'm gonna go." Bruce said awkwardly and drags Vance with him.

he pecks my lips softly and went to walk to class. i sighed and leaned against my locker.

"hey." oh dear god. i turn around with a fake smile, "hey Donna." i said she attacks me with a hug.

"i was so worried are you alright." she said concerned and i nodded my head. i kind of gotten numb to asking these questions. it just brings me back to the now old memories of what happened. it makes me sick every time.

"yeah i'm alright." i nodded my head and she smiled. "that great and you know i'm sorry for acting a little.. what's a good word."

"bitchey." i blurted out on well, kind of accident.

she blinked a little shocked, "well that's one word for it." she said taken back.

"but seriously i'm happy that you, and Robin, are okay and i should've definitely been more sympathetic towards the situation." she apologized.

"how come you weren't." i asked. she goes to speak but-

"Finn!" Robin shouts.

"we have class!" Billy finished with a singing kind of tone.

"well i guess that's a story for a different time. see you later Finney." she smiled once again and walked away to class.

i walk towards them and they Billy was clapping his hands in excitedly. the poor guy has been suffering in his classes alone since you know.

you guys know.


"en tu pensamiento que te hace hacer cosas así funciona el corazón." Robin sung the words with his hand on my chin smiling.

i couldn't help but smile and shake my head. it was after school and Robin and i were at his house on his bed.

Robin was still saying things to me in spanish and i kind of like it. i don't understand it but he sounds hot.

i remember the idea that Bruce said and Robin had shut it down earlier.

translate. i open my phone and i go to google translate. i turn the mic on and put it in my sweater pocket. he was laying down with the headphones in his ears, of course.

i sit up to sit closer to him and he's just starting at me. i sit next to him and i place my hand in his hair and i run my hands through it gently.

he pretends to still be looking at his phone but i can tell he's getting distracted. i'm trying to get him to say something.

(ugh if you read my other stories you know or can tell.. i hate writing kissing or loving scenes but it's whatever.)

i kiss him slowly all around his face. i tease him by not going to his lips.

he licks his lips and he puts his phone down. he sits up and leans over my body. now i'm laying down with him basically on top of me. "what are you doing." he asked finally speaking english.

"nothing." i said innocently rubbing my hands up and down his clothed arms. he takes a deep breathe in. "your little innocent act is driving me crazy." he said in a husky voice.

"i don't know what you're talking about." i said looking him straight in the eyes. "you've been acting innocent since the day i met you. i don't drink, i don't smoke. and i've completely changed you. now you can't get enough." he leaned closer to me with his hands on either side of my head.

he smirked, "i mean i did tell you i was gonna make you obsessed with me so i'm not surprised." wait what.

"when did you say that." i asked confused.

"well i said it in spanish so you probably don't remember but, it was the first night we met.."

"Well, watch and see Finney, you'll be obsesionado with me in no time." He warns me and begins his return to the party.

I'm not sure what he just said, but we'll deal with it later..

if i wasn't so distracted with wanting to find Billy i probably would've remembered that sooner. "well, i'm not obsessed with you." i defended.

he shakes his head amused. "why did you try and pull this then." he pulls out my phone from my pocket and showed the google translate.

"why did you go to the same exact spot where i got kidnapped knowing how dangerous it was, well you didn't care right-"

"no i didn't." i said sternly leaning up with my arms behind me holding me up.

"why didn't you." he squinted his eyes at me.

my tongue pokes the inside of my cheek. just holding eye contact with him for so long is making me realize.

i know what this feeling is now.

"because i love you." i tried to a whole back my smiled but it was hard.

he smiled, "i just wanted you to admit it first, i love you too." he didn't think for one for second before kissing me passionately making me fall back down on the bed.


thanks for reading! next chapter shall be the last, lucky number 13. (didn't proof read so sorry if you had a stroke reading this.)

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