10. all for us

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Just for your love, yeah
Give you the world
Mona Lisa's smile
Hell I'll do 25 to life
If it makes me a king
A star in your eyes
Guilty or innocent
My love is infinite, I'm giving it
No need for prisoners
Bitch please, hands up, this is a stick up 'cause I'm
I'm, aye

- All for us by Labrinth


[Third Person]

Gwen thought it would be a good idea to bring all of Finney's good friends together. The four of them got questioned by the police about Finney and where he could possibly be if he wasn't kidnapped. 

out of all of them Billy knew the most, 

"do you know why Finney didn't go straight home after school?" a cop asked Billy. They were in the principal's office. where the cops, the principal, deans, and most importantly Finney's father. 

he didn't want to air out his best friend, especially in front of his dad, but he feel like he kind of has to. 

"he went to Robin's house after school. Robin Arellano."  he answered and they all started jotting down. 

"Why would he go to Robin's house when he's missing." he asked again confused.

'oh shit.' 

"I told him not to, he just didn't listen." 

"Do you know the relationship between Robin and Finney?" 

"I don't know, does that matter?" Billy defended,

"it kind of does." the second cop that was writing down notes said. 

he sighed, "they just know each other, they're friends." he said giving a quick glance to Finney's dad who had his arms crossed standing.  

"Billy, would you put your life at risk for someone you just know?"  the cop asked him.

"no but for a best friend.. yeah sure."  

"Then why aren't you out looking for Finney right now." the cop asked.

"because i'm not fucking stupid what the hell. i mean sure love can make you do dumb things but i don't love Finney in that way." Billy shouted and the principal hushed him shaking her head.

"okay fine, Robin and Finney really like each other so Finney was so pissed when Robin went missing and you guys, as usual, take fucking forever to do just one damn thing so Finney went to Robin's house and i don't know what happened there but all i know is that my best friend is now missing and all you guys are doing is asking me these stupid ass questions that have nothing to do with anything. 

you found black balloon's at the scene for both Griffin and Robin, and NOW Finney's disappearance can you open your fucking eyes people! it's a small town how on earth have you motherfuckers not found a single thing ANYWHERE. shit is so fucking stupid." 

Billy gets up with a red face and storms out of the office with people yelling his name behind him but he didn't care.


"We don't have to say anything." Vance said in the very wrong state of mind which was obvious to everyone in the room. 

"Listen, I'll answer any-" Bruce tries to speak.

"no, we know a good lawyer, we are minors how dare you even have us here without our parents." Vance tried to distract them from asking any questions.

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