Yes, I'm A Psychic

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Psychic- Normal Text
Psychic- Someone's thoughts
Physic- |Y/N| & Saiki Speaking Telepathically
Psychic- |Y/N| & Saiki speaking verbally.
Psychic- |Y/N|thinking

My name is |Y/N| |L/N| and I'm a psychic, now you might say,

"A psychic?! SOOOO cool!"

But I can honestly tell you being born this way is a guaranteed coupon to crappy, unusual life. Having so many powers is useful yes but there's a LOT of down sides.

Example being reading the mind of a dirty minded person by accident and losing your innocence, having little 'accidents', not peeing but accidentally doing stuff like sending people to the hospital at sport games, never being surprised or being spoilt a movie etc.

And to not forget the stupid charm of attracting people to me, like I know I have bright |F/C| hair and two |F/C| antennas stuck on top of my head but seriously, Stay Away.

But now I'm going to forget it all and walk back home, enjoy the new anime episode before it gets spoilt and maybe once in my life enjoy my horrible li-

"Cupcake! I'm so glad you're back from school," A voice called out, a man who had the usual dad cut ran towards me, his arms stretched out for a hug,

"Like he's gonna get one" I easily dodged the attempted hug and walked inside the already open front door.

                            |D/N| |L/N|
            A carefree guy who's pretty
         kind but can get scarily serious.
         Cares for his daughter and tries
         to spend time with her despite his
       busy schedule. Tries to not let |Y/N|
       use her powers but she does it   
     anyways when she sees he needs help.

I kicked away my school shoes and used my telekinesis to open the living room curtains and sat down on the living room couch and grabbed the remote.

"|Y/N|! I'm going to get groceries!" My dad shouted from near the front door.

'And to get more |F/D| (favourite dessert) from the store, I may or may not have eaten them when you were at school,' My dad thought as I accidentally broke the remote out of anger and the shades of my purple tinted glasses fogged to hide my |2nd/F/C| eyes.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" I telepathically shouted at him and teleported to his side, my usual poker face might've not shown my anger but it radiated in auras.

"D-don't kill me, I promise I'll buy a bed sized amount of |F/D| just don't kill me, I'm only 45!" My dad screamed as he kneeled down and put his hands together in a prayer position.

As soon as he promised that, I imagined me lying on top of a bed made of packaged |F/D| and a flowery aura surrounded me replacing the angry one. My chibi version drooled as I continuously flied through the air imagining several |F/D| floating into my mouth, my dad sweat dropped before 'sneaking' away. I already knew he snuck out but I didn't bother to chase him.

I teleported back to the couch and rewound time on the broken remote to the day before and after it got fixed, I used it to on the TV.

"- and that's all for today, watch the next episode next week to catch the drama! And don't forget my epic signing right in Japan for all my international watchers-" The voice was cut off as I broke the remote again causing the TV to shut off.

'What the hell was Rin thinking? Killing the Stella Star, the most OP power in the anime, isn't how you save Roa!'

'I can't believe Yuri fell in love with some one, she was always such a bro-con but I'm glad she moved on'

'Finally Xavier gets more character development even though he did have to erase the power of the Stella Star inside of him'

More and more thoughts about the new episode that I missed filled my head as I sat there, a dark shadow was cast over my face as my devilish smile grew wider, I slowly raised my fist.

'I feel the certain urge to end all of humanity'














'Right after my favourite dessert and the manga signing...'

SAIKI-c (Disastrous Life of Saiki K x F.Reader)Where stories live. Discover now