I'm The Super Cool Psychic, |Y/N|

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16 years ago, a normal couple seemed to have a not so normal child and when I mean not ordinary, I mean psychic.


~ 1 Month Old ~

|M/N| woke up to drool dropping on her face, she opened her eyes just to see her 1 month old child walking on air above her.

"Shit! What the fuck?! |F/N|!" She shouted as she shook her husband up.

"... What is it Sweet bun..?"

"Our child's levitating!" She said as pointed to the 1 month old who was somehow doing somersaults in the air.

"...Awww! Why didn't you tell me sooner?! I'll get the camera!" |F/N| squealed as he ran past the mother, disappearing to retrieve the camera. |M/N| sighed as she looked at the baby that was currently walking on the air above the bed.

"Uhhhhh.... Honey! Can you please float down for me?" A sentence which |M/N| never thought she'd say in her entire experience of motherhood. The one month old nodded before slowly lowering herself into her mother's outstretched arms.

"I'm worried for you sweetie, if I found out sooner I gave birth to Supergirl I would've known how to handle... Well, this." She said as she cleaned the drool running down|Y/N|'s tiny mouth. The child grabbed the thumb of her mother with one hand and used the other to stroke her thumb as if trying to calm |M/N| down.

"Awww! My girls are so cute!" |F/N| squealed as he revealed his presence. He walked up to his wife and hugged her.

"It's okay, we're good parents, it's better that we accept this rather than question or send her to a lab or somewhere she feels uncomfortable..." |F/N| said as he rubbed the back of his wife.

"... Thanks, sweet bun. Let's raise her, the best we can..."

~ 6 Months Old ~

"|Y/N| you love Mama more than Dada right?!"

"No, you love Dada more than Mama right?!"

It seemed there was a minor separation in the |L/N| household as the two parents where trying to make their child say 'Dada' or 'Mama' early, they already knew she was smart enough to do it since they got signs of little |Y/N| having higher intelligence.

"Dada sounds more fun to say, say Da-Da."

"Well Mama is easier to say just smack your lips together and you've got it!"

The 6 months old child was tired of their bickering and she was currently thinking of something to say so they would both be pleased when suddenly a lightbulb turned on on top of her head.

She turned back to her parents who were sitting at both sides of her since she was sitting on a high chair. She motioned for her parents to come closer to her and when they did, she gently put her hands on both their cheeks.

"I love you both equally," She accidentally said telepathically, not aware that no words came from her actual lips but the parents didn't seem to mind as they lifted the baby into their hands and rubbed their cheeks on each of |Y/N|'s.

"You're a too young to say big big words like equally without messing it up, you're a baby remember, our baby." |M/N| cooed as she set the smiling|Y/N| back on her high chair.

~ 4 years old ~

"Hey look what I bought for my psychic daughter!" |M/N| squealed as she sat to the side of her daughter who was currently reading a children book labelled 'ABC's: More easier than ABCS'.

The psychic was originally reading a book called 'My Cleaning Products And Me: Part 1' which was a detailed book series about the admiration between a germaphobe and their cleaning products. In fact it was so detailed, you would've thought that the germaphobe had romantic feelings for their own cleaning products.

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