I Left A Psychic And Stayed... A Psychic

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"Wait?! Why does my little girl want to leave me?!" My dad shouted as I happily munched on |F/D|, I sat there not answering his question until I swallowed it down, the excited look I had when eating suddenly disappeared after my eyes landed on my father.

"Manga and the nice feeling of you not bothering me daily," I stated.

'I knew I should've restricted her from those animas and mankas, now they're the reason why my little girl is leaving me!'

I deadpanned, I think he forgot I can read minds or is that just a joke.

"You can't go cause... Ummmm.... We can't pay for it, yeah, we're running outta money!"

"Is it April Fools Day or are you actually clueless?" My dad turned his head in confusion and I sighed. I grabbed his hand and teleported us on top of Big Ben.

"Gahhhhhhhhh!!! Shit! I'm gonna die!! I'm so sorry for eating your |F/D|, please don't kill me!" My dad screamed as he latched unto my arm, I sighed again and teleported us back, my dad shivered and fell unto the floor cradling his legs.

"Go, just don't kill me, I don't wanna die young..." His voice whispered anxiously, I sighed and walked to my room and started packing my stuff, sometimes I'm grateful I can easily teleport, we can't really do stuff like travel so being a psychic is in a way a god blessing.

After I packed I went online to search for the location of the manga signing and an airport located in Japan.

Now you may ask, why did I do that exactly? Well I can't tell you how confused you'd be if you saw a stranger suddenly appear when you swear she wasn't there before? Yeah, it'd be strange, I thought so to. Teleporting inside an airport is my best bet.

So after strapping my backpack to my, actually where else do you I'd strap it to? And grabbing my two suitcases, I suddenly teleported to the airport, luckily there was a crowd of people trying to rush out of the airport so nobody really noticed me.

After dragging my suitcases to the entrance I used my clairvoyance to find a nearby apartment building. Walking to the apartment building, I quickly used the chance to change 100$ the equal value of yen and walked into the building.

Blah Blah, I've got a place to stay in, Blah Blah I think you get the point.

I don't have any time to waste, I need to get this signed or I might go on a tantrum and 'accidentally' destroy the world.

Now walking inside the store, I noticed a long line of people and using my clairvoyance, I can confirm this is the place so I joined the line.

Now another answer for the question of you readers, how am I able to understand where to go and stuff? Well thanks to-


The power of translation meaning
that despite it being French or
Japanese, it's automatically changed
To the language |Y/N| is used to.

... Thanks for interrupting me narrator, but you haven't even explained the other so just shut your-

|Auto Bilingual|

This power makes |Y/N|
automatically speak the
language of the surroundings
around her without needing to
learn but she has to have heard
someone speak it before or it won't

You do know I can fire you right? It is my story so I can just go snap and you're gone.

|Please Don't|

I have a wife and kids to feed
This was the only job available
Don't fire me, please.....

Whatever, stay or whatever, just shut up when I tell you to. Going back to the other situation, I noticed a pink haired guy in front of me.

Now, sure I don't know what happened but being born with unnatural hair colours is now normal which is a relief for me but it doesn't mean it's not suspicious. But bright pink hair with pink antennas sticking out of their hair is definitely suspicious, or at least for a psychic like me. I gently stepped on their shoe and looked around to see if I could hear their voice.

'Silent Cyborg is sooo cool, I loved the new edition.'

'I heard the mangaka of Silent Cyborg is cute, I came here all the way from Tokyo to see if it's true.'

'Silent Cyborg is hot... I wonder how he'd look without his clothes-'

Slow down there idiot, don't think about that with our poor readers reading. I can hear everyone but Neon Pink's thoughts.

Or they could be another stupid person, not surprised really, not to be rude but there's a lot of those now often.

I sigh and wait for the dude to finish getting his manga signed and walked up to a white haired male who I knew as Shiragami Fudekichi sitting on a wooden chair. I could obviously see that he was very anxious by the look on his face.

'This girl is looking at me weirdly! I didn't want to be here but Mr. Saiki said it was "All about connecting with the fans", I don't even get paid enough for this...'

Poor guy, just kidding, I don't really care. I brought out my manga and handed it to him, he looked at it with his tired eyes and smiled.

'Thank god she's a fan... I thought she was a stalker or something... I woulda called security on her if she wasn't...'

Wow and I felt bad for you a second ago and you call me a stalker, do I really look THAT suspicious? Whatever, after he signed it, I took it and walked out if the building. I really need to find some |F/D|, I can't live without those.

I walked to the nearest store and looked for some |F/D| until I found it staring right back at me. I walked right up to it and picked it up. It was put in a small plastic cup so I was just about to pick it up and put it my shopping basket when I spotted it.

A whole row of cupped |F/D.

I quickly grabbed it and noticed there was three cups of |F/D|, I then looked at the price.

A Cup Of |F/D| = ¥86
THREE cups of |F/D|= ¥158

Meaning that buying three cups instead of individual one cups is more cheaper. I was about to put it in my basket when I noticed the information sticker under the packaging. 120 millilitres. I checked the one cup and my eyes slightly widened. 130 millilitres.

It's a scam! If I buy the three pack, I get only 120ml but if I buy 3 one cups I get 390ml. I was about to grab the one cups until I saw it. A platform which held a single cup of |F/D|. I walked up to it and saw it was being sold for ¥1298. For one cup of |F/D|. It was apparently labeled as the ULTIMATE FLAVOURFUL DELICIOUS |F/D|. Which was clearly a scam, it's only lower life forms like idiots who would actually consider, let alone buy it....








I walked out of the store, the bag filled with a single cup of |F/D|. Now hear me out, it said it was good so I'm just proving if it's wrong or not! Don't you go teasing me by saying "Such a Tsun-Tsun!" Or any of that Dere crap, I'm not an idiot.

Anyways after I walked to my apartment and placed the bag on the desk. Suddenly my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID to see it was my old man.

"Hey |Y/N|, how's my sweet bun's time in Japan doing?"

"You know that I don't like speaking with my mouth so hurry this up old man..."




"Wahhhhh! My own daughter speaking to me like that, and I'm not old! I'm only 45! I'm at my prime!"

"Anyways, I was gonna tell you, I've registered you for a new school, it's called PK academy."

SAIKI-c (Disastrous Life of Saiki K x F.Reader)Where stories live. Discover now