Is It Still A No Face Rule If You Literally Have No Face?

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"Call an ambulance, he's dying!" Nendo screamed.

"Nendum, he isn't dying just take him to the nurses office!" Shouted Kaidou as he punched Nendo's arm pathetically, he even somehow broke his own hand.

"He needs CPR... I'll do it!" Nendo said as ran towards the passed out Takahashi. The two dodgeballs he put under his shirt bouncing widely as he ran, everyone sweat dropped. He was about to reach him before the class president stood in front of him, blocking his way.

"As the class president... I'll take him to the nurses office!" Hairou shouted dramatically, he put Takahashi on his shoulders and put his hands behind his back and started hopping, screaming every time his feet touched the floor.

'How exactly did this happen?'

------------  45mins ago ------------

We were playing dodgeball for the sports curriculum, which is a bit childish but again who cares. While the boys were chosen to play on the other side of the gymnasium, the girls where currently arguing on who would be in Teruhashi's team. I, of course, just awkwardly sat in the corner waiting for them to stop. When suddenly Mr Matsuzaki burst in.

"One of the players called in sick! I need someone to even out the numbers!" Mr Matsuzaki shouted as his eyes looked around for someone to choose. I shuffled closer in the crowd of girls hoping not to be seen.

"You!" Mr Matsuzaki shouted as he pointed towards Teruhashi.

'Me? Is he really sending the perfect pretty girl to play with those sweaty brutes?! I mean everyone but Saiki of course, he and |L/N| are the only ones who deserve my love, not just ANYONE can interact with a pretty girl like me who isn't also pretty but perfect on the inside and out!'

"Hey Teruhashi, move aside! I'm talking about the girl behind you!" Mr Matsuzaki said as he motioned for Teruhashi to move aside. The pretty girl's eyebrows twitched in anger but immediately brightened up as she moved aside revealing me who was crouching trying not to be seen.

"New girl, hustle up! We're going!" Mr Matsuzaki voice boomed before he started walking, expecting me to follow. I sighed and stood up following the track suit covered teacher. He lead me to the boys who seemed to have already been separated in teams.

"Hey new girl! Choose a team, anyone!" The track suited man said.

'Pick Hairou's team, those guys actually have a better chance with Hairou in the team...'

I pointed towards the team with the red hair I think I believed was called 'Hairou' as I wanted to quickly finish the game with Hairou doing most of the actual work of course. When I walked over, Hairou ran to me and forcibly put a dodgeball in my hand.

"New girl! Show us what you can do and lead us to victory!" He shouted dramatically as the rest of the whole team, except Saiki, shouted along with him being inspired. I deadpanned as I walked over to the line separating the two teams.

'God, I know you personally hate me, but let me throw this normally...'

I threw the boy as light as I could as the ball flew at lightning speed past the boys and hit the wall behind them creating a crater in it's wake. The ball fell down on the  floor as the boys went silent before my team started cheering as the 'ding!' sound of my popularity meter raised up to 125.

                     |Popularity Meter|
           This power makes |Y/N| check
        her's or other people's popularity.
      With the popularity of 125, some people will start to look up to |Y/N| and
    try to greet her every morning. This
   power is quite similar or you could
     say entirely the same as Saiki's.

Wait, entirely similar to what-

"New girl! That was amazing!" Hairou encouraged. I don't know why everyone has a knack of calling, me, the new girl, 'new girl', I clearly stated what my name is at the front of the class and yet nobody seemed to get the idea. I sighed again and went to the far back to join Saiki who also seemed to have the same idea of staying out of the drama.

Before I knew what was happening, a dodgeball was flying towards my face. I could've easily stop it, I am a psychic but to be honest I didn't feel like playing so I let it softly hit my face and immediately begun my journey to the out line.

"|L/N|! Where are you going?! Head shots don't count!" Hairou shouted as he grabbed hand and dragged me back. A serious expression then sat on his sweaty face as he tightened the grip on my wrist.

"Did you actually try your best to avoid that? I don't like people who think they can bring down the team with their laziness!" He said as he looked into my expressionless face, trying to find the answer. I nodded my head to his question but immediately felt bad when he grinned and gave me two thumbs up.

"Please try harder, ok?" He asked as I then nodded my head. He ran back to the line and as I watched his retreating figure, I joined Saiki's side again. Suddenly the ball came towards me, and because of Hairou's words, I easily caught it and threw it without thinking.

Unfortunately, I threw the ball too hard and a guy with green puffy hair who seemed to be in my line of shot didn't seem to pay attention as the ball hit his face. The ball hit his face and when it fell off his face, a blood waterfall came pouring out of his nose as he passed out and fell down. I heard the 'dong!' of my popularity meter falling to 95.

                     |Popularity Meter|
     With a popularity of 95, people will
        attempt to invite you to hang out
        and maybe ask for your contact
        number directly or from friends.

The boys started scrambling around screaming. Nendo seemed to not be aware of the situation as he stuffed two dodgeballs under his shirt snickering to himself, he looked up, presumably to show off to someone but when he saw what he saw, he stood confused.


I guess that's what happened, huh...? Well it seems Hairou has finally entered the building since my clairvoyance showed me he was somewhere near the nurses office.

I sighed and walked over to the bench and decided to sit the rest of the game since I could actually kill somebody if not careful. As the game went on, a dodgeball rolled over to my leg.

"Hey second best bud, give me the ball!" Nendo shouted as he waved his hand, signalling me to pass the ball. I sighed as I picked up the ball and threw it to him.

'Wait a second... Did I just...?'

"Holy Crap! I think my fingers are broken..."

"Guys... I think Nendo's dead!!!!!"



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