I'm the Stronger One - Toshiro X Flame User! Reader

631 18 35

(E/C) - Eye Color
(SP/C) - Spiritual Pressure Color

You sighed as you were in your office in the Squad 5 barracks filling out tons of paperwork as usual. As a Captain, the Head Captain expected you, your Squad, and all others in the 13 Court Guard Squads to complete all of the mandatory paperwork assigned. You worked extremely hard keeping your Squad in check and getting all of your work done in time. You rarely got any breaks, and you could use one right now.

Damn, why do they keep giving us more and more pointless work every day? I'd rather be killing Hollows than doing this crap, you thought as you were scribbling on papers with a wearied expression. You had several cups of tea, but they didn't do you any good. Your hands were always complaining about the continuous writing you had to do, and your legs were tired of having to stay in the same position all day. This was a nightmare for your mind and body.

You always glanced through every sheet and wrote your signature without even caring about the content. It was an endless job you had to do without backing out of it, especially since your Squad was left in panic by the defection of Sosuke Aizen from the Soul Society. The moment you were promoted to Captain, it was unexpected for you as you thought Momo Hinamori, the Lieutenant, would be the one to take the position because she held the second seat. When asking someone why you, the third seat, you learned you had achieved Bankai by the time Aizen betrayed the Soul Society. All Captains, with one exception, could use Bankai, so you were better suited for the role than Hinamori. Not only that, but she had to stay in bed to recover from her injuries.

You had been doing almost the same thing every day for six months, and your ambition earned you the trust of many of your subordinates. Momo, however, couldn't let a single spirit particle in her spiritual body trust you. And you were fine with it as long as she helped you with your work.

Groaning, your head slumped on one of your arms; you were fatigued. And you were almost finished with your last stack. Fabulous. You relaxed your arms before closing your eyes and letting sleep dominate you, letting go of your pen.

Roughly five minutes later, a Soul Reaper knocked on your office door, calling, "Captain!" and waking you up.

"Come in," You said groggily as you stretched your arms in the air and fixed your hair. The Soul Reaper entered the office with a stack of paperwork in his hands.

"Good afternoon. I've more work for you, Captain (L/N)," He said, and you smacked your lips in vexation, a vein popping out of your forehead.

"Go do it by yourself. I'm freaking tired," You said through gritted teeth, and the Soul Reaper gulped before bowing apologetically and stepping back out. You groaned loudly as you placed your arms on the desk and let your face slam into them, wanting nothing but a nice long nap.


Letting out a yawn, you slowly raised your head and let your vision clear after opening your eyes.

How long was I asleep?

You turned to where the unfinished paperwork used to be and saw that it was gone.

Huh? Who did the last of my work? I'm guessing Lieutenant Hinamori since she's always the one to finish the work for me.

Mentally thanking her, you stood up and stretched to get your blood flowing, wanting to go outside and have a nice stroll around the Seireitei. You strode to the door and opened it to let the fresh air in.

Smiling to yourself, you turned to your right and greeted your subordinates. You went down the stairs and flash-stepped out of the Squad 5 barracks. You ended up at the Squad 8 barracks, where you saw Captain Shunsui Kyoraku having a nap on the roof.

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