Ten Years of Peace - TYBW Special

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To make it fair for manga readers and anime-only watchers, this has a few spoilers that don't have much information. Some of you guys will understand some things from the manga while others will wonder what will happen in the anime. I didn't include the extra characters from the manga ending, and I made the plot look original and focus on you and your family.

Hope you enjoy it!


The day you married the Squad 10 Captain, Toshiro Hitsugaya, was the best day of your entire lifetime. You couldn't be much happier than ever spending time with your chosen one for the rest of your life.

The war drastically affected you—you were grieved by the deaths of some of your fellow friends and Captains. By helping your comrades fight the enemy using your full strength, you were promoted to Lieutenant of Squad 8 under a new Captain. That achievement changed you a lot. You held more responsibility for your Squad than a 3rd seat. You were to help your new Captain with her duties and complete missions in the World of the Living. Also, you had to do lots of paperwork, much more than what you had to do before the start of the war.

The Seireitei was finally restored after ten years of continuous peacefulness, and the 13 Court Guard Squads were filled with new Captains and Lieutenants who were former seated officers. With them running the Soul Society now, everyone was able to get back to their normal life again.

When you conceived roughly two years after the wedding, you were over the moon to be carrying your and Toshiro's first child. You couldn't stop thinking up the name you were going to give it. When you found out it was a boy, Toshiro knew the perfect name.

That name was...

"Yukiro!" You called your son, and he came running to you with an enthusiastic smile on his little face. He had the same spiky white hair as his father, and he had the color of your eyes and the structure of your face. Basically, he was you and Toshiro mixed together.

"Yes, Mama?" The Soul Reaper-in-training asked in such a cute voice.

"Have you trained, my little snow angel?"

"Uh-huh!" He nodded vigorously.

"That's great. If you keep training, you'll be as strong as Papa one day."

"Yeah! I can't wait to find out what my Zanpakuto's name is! And when I do, I'll be able to use Bankai like him!" He had an excited grin while clenching his fists in front of his face.

You chuckled. "Now, now. You'll have to go through tough training for at least ten years to achieve Bankai. Besides, you still have a lot to learn besides Zanjutsu."

"I know. I have yet to learn flash-stepping and Kidō, but I know a teeny bit of Hakuda."

"That's good. If you are talented enough, you can be able to graduate early from the Shin'ō Academy and join the 13 Court Guard Squads just like Papa did when he was younger. I think you'll become a great Soul Reaper, Yuki."

His eyes were as pure as white snow. You couldn't help but let out a chuckle and pat the young boy's head.

"Now, go on, have some fun with your friends, my snow boy," You told him in a gentle voice.

"Okay!" He said and took off running, going to the place he usually met up with his friends after training—a small clearing with surrounding daffodils close to the Squad 10 barracks.

You loved Yukiro with all of your heart. You always did. He was the alternate version of Toshiro in his childhood. He was always smiling and was liked by everyone around him. His friends from the Shin'ō Academy hung out with him often. You were always supporting him and helping him get through the tough challenges that came with his training. He would never disappoint you or Toshiro.

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