Melting His Icy Heart - Toshiro's Birthday Special

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(H/L) - Hair Length

You were waiting in the lobby of the Squad 4 barracks. As usual, all of the members were busy treating the ill and injured Soul Reapers. A lot of Hollows had been ravaging the World of the Living lately, mainly in eastern Karakura Town. Many Soul Reapers were sent to eliminate the threat, and most of them ended up here with little to no progress made. Fortunately for them, Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends took care of the rest.

"Lieutenant (L/N)," You heard Lieutenant Isane Kotetsu's voice calling you. She was walking over to you carrying a small paper bag in her hands.

"Oh, thank you, Lieutenant Kotetsu," You said, taking the bag.

"It was no problem. Oh man, I hope Captain Ukitake gets better soon." She closed her eyes and hung her head down with pity.

"Me too. His sickness just keeps getting worse."

"Yeah. As long as he takes the medicine every couple of hours, he should be fine."

"And as long as I pray to the Soul King that he will live in good health. I'll see you later." You smiled at the tall Lieutenant in front of you.

"See you later, Lieutenant (L/N)," She said before walking away and returning to work.

You exited Squad 4 barracks and flash-stepped your way back to your own. Upon entering the Ugendō quarters where your Captain was resting, you heard squabbling from third seats Sentaro Kotsubaki and Kiyone Kotetsu. You sighed and approached them.

"I thought I told you guys to quit arguing. Captain Ukitake is trying to rest." They whipped their heads in your direction and immediately shut their mouths. They bowed down before you.

"Welcome back, Lieutenant (L/N)!" They greeted in unison.

"I got the medicine he needs, so I'm going to let him take it. I'll be doing paperwork right after, so I want you guys to be quiet and do your job. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

They left you alone to take care of the Captain, muttering things to each other. Although they liked your calm nature, they did not like it when you stole all their time with him, as they deeply cared about him and his poor health. They wanted some attention from him, too. But their loud and trivial arguments kept them from getting it.

The door to his room was open, and you quietly called him. "Captain Ukitake, I have your medicine."

"Thank you." He was in bed when you came in. You walked over to him with a warm smile on your face. It was the one thing he liked about you since you joined his Squad as an unseated officer. You were like his little sister who he wanted to protect even though his illness was slowing him down. No one could resist the sweetness coming out of you.

"Looks like I'm going to be very busy again," You said as you took the bottle out of the bag and opened it. "There's a mountain of papers I have to climb." You shook two pills out of the bottle and handed them to Ukitake.

"(Y/N)," He said, taking the pills from your palm. "I do appreciate your hard work here. But I think you should take a break every once in a while and enjoy life outside work. It's unhealthy for you to overwork yourself for me. Please let Sentaro and Kiyone do all of the work for you."

Your smile dropped. "Captain, you've been sick for as long as I remember. It's my duty to serve you and keep this Squad in check. What am I supposed to do when you can't work anymore? I'm not ready to be a Captain, you know that?"

"Look, you've only been my Lieutenant for four years, and I don't want to leave you with burdensome tasks every day. I can still work when I'm not in a coughing fit. You just have to go easy on yourself and enjoy what's out there in the Seireitei."

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