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Jimin and Jungkook walked to school together everyday holding hands they always got weird looks but they keep walking Taehyung and Jimin still hasn't talked no one knows why they don't even remember


"Your telling you like the person that has bullied you since you got here" Taehyung scolded Jimin "Yeah so what" Jimin said with no shame "Jimin he's not good for you we all know it he'll only end up hurting you" Taehyung said in a much calmer voice than before "You know what Taehyung when you get your relationship that you fantasize about then come talk to me" Jimin walked away both angry one only trying to help the other feeling critized


"Baby" Jungkook called out for Jimin as they walked together "Huh?" Jimin finally answered Jungkook after a while "Are you ok?" Jungkook asked worriedly "Yeah I am just not in the mood to talk" Jimin responded and continued walking with Jungkok to school "Sup Jimin are you excited" Hoseok asked as he met Jimin at his locker "Yeah I guess" Jimin said blauntly "Come on hyung you wanna know" Jungkook teased Jimin as everyone laughed but Teahyung

"I know I think it's weird......I'm finding out my soulmate before I even know my sexuality" Jimin admitted as he continuously look back at Jungkook and his friends "It'll be fine that's why you have me to help" Jungkook smiled at Jimin before taking his books to hold "Oh can I copy your math homework" Jungkook asked in a cute voice "No" Jimin said while laughing as Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon got their own things "Please at least the notes " Jungkook whined to Jimin "Fine, bye" Jimin got on his tippytoes to kiss Jungkook cheek before leaving once the bell rang

"So, just us huh" Jungkook asked Namjoon awkwardly them being the only ones in the hallway "Don't make it awkward Jeon" Namjoon stated coldy to Jungkook "Look Kim I don't like you, you don't like me for Jimin sake can we try to get along with each other.....get to know each other" Jungkook suggest even though Namjoon knew he was annoyed and telling the truth

"Fine" They walked out the school without talking "So....why exactly to do ask me" Jungkook asked as Namjoon sat back staring at him with a cup of coffee in front of him " hurt Jimin so many times you don't even might not have been physical but it was mentally" Namjoon explained to Jungkook he couldn't help but to let a tear fall

"I never meant to hurt him it was all fun and games he know I never meant it" Jungkook never meant to hurt him in any type of way "Well you did Jeon" Namjoon responded to him with no emotion "How can I make it up" Jungkook spoke before Namjoon walked out the café door "Leave him alone" As Namjoon walked out the door Jungkook felt his world being torn apart the one person he cared for he had to leave alone for the better...right

Back At School

"Hey Jimin" Taehyung spoke quietly behind Jimin he tried his best to ignore Taehyung but gave in eventually "What Taehyung" The last time Taehyung heard his full name by Jimin was never so he knew Jimin was really mad "I'm sorry stop avoiding me" Taehyung apologized to Jimin once again "Weren't you the one who told me it was okay to like him, then when I do I get critized" Jimin yelled at Taehyung quietly not wanting the attention on them "I know Jimin I was just trying to help he hurt you mentally Jimin he's no good for you, but I respect your decesion" Taehyung said all in one breathe not aware Jungkook was around making him think if their right about him hurting Jungkook "Ok, I guess now come Jungkook should be back next period" Jimin dragged Taehyung to class it hurted Jungkook seeing how much Jimin was blinded not to see how much he hurted him Jungkook can't forgive himself

Jungkook walked in class and sat next to Yoongi confusing Jimin not sparing him one glance "What's wrong with-" Jimin didn't finish his sentence when he saw Namjoon glaring at Jungkook and Yoongi looking at him he knew something was going on he tried to pay attention to class all day but it didn't work

"He Jungkook what's wrong with you" Jimin asked as he finally caught up with Jungkook while they were walking home "Stop talking to me Jimin your so clingy" Jungkook felt the rest of his world come crashing down as he spit harsh at Jimin he didn't mean "Oh ok" Jimin wiped his tears and walked ahead of Jungkook he didn't know why Jungkook had that sudden outburst but what he did know was that he no longer had anyone to care for or about

For once in his life he was sure about something he like Jungkook but he could never say it but now he's back to square one questioning everything he ever lived for "Hey Jimin what's wrong" Ms. Park spoke as Jimin ran upstairs not gretting her like normal

But for Jungkook it was different "Finally that boy isn't with you" Mr. Jeon said once Jungkook walked through the door "Dad please just stop you've ruined my life enough" Jungkook went to his room and locked the door knowing his father would come up looking for him later

"Jimin-shii whats wrong" Ms.Park spoke from the other side of door "Jungkook" His mother heard a faint voice coming from within the door "What he do" Ms.Park asked knowing he was the reason to Jimin crying "He doesn't like me anymore he says I'm clingy.....I don't care that he doesn't like but that really hurt" Ms. Park was confused casue the last time she spoke with Jungkook he had his heart set on Jimin

"Jimin that doesn't make sense at all last time he was here he told me he liked you like really liked you" She entered the room and sat one the edge of Jimin bed "Well he doesn't I don't wanna talk about it any further" Jimin didn't mean to come of rude just hearing Jungkook name just made it hurt even more

"Jimin he likes you ok just figure out why he would stop coming around you" Those last few words peiced everything together for Jimin those were the same words Yoongi told him and in class Yoongi was looking at him and Namjoon was staring at Jungkook angerily "I know why I have to call someone" Jimin said with a fake smile once his mother left the room he called Namjoon

"What's up Jimin"

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