Piece of work

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Ok I know I'm late with Jimin birthday and all
BUT this is his birthday special

Jimin's mom woke the three boys up before heading off to work well at least Taehyung and Jimin Jungkook wasn't waking up "Jungkook wake up" Jimin tried everything to wake him up while Taehyung took a shower "Jungkook get up" Jimin shook him side to side like crazy still not able to wake him up so he chose his last option Jimin kissed Jungkook only to feel Jungkook moving his lips in sync

"Morning baby" Jimin felt a swarm of butterflies hearing Jungkook "Morning, now we have to get to your house to get your clothes" Jungkook lazily got up doing some part of his morning routine before going next door "Oh...I'm surprised you stayed around this long" Jungkook dad announced once they entered the door "Don't" Jimin whispered as he felt Jungkook body getting tense "I'll wait down here" Jungkook ran up to his room to get his clothes so he can get back as fast as possible

Jimin stood by the door uncomfortable by the way Mr.Jeon was staring at him "I know your only staying around for his money" Mr.Jeon spoke leading Jimin to scoff but still stay silent "That kid isn't good for you take it from me, I raised him" Jimin noticed Jungkook at the top of the stairs with anger in his eyes "Jungkook" Jimin called to get him to make eye contact Jimin shook his no to calm him down "Let's go" Jungkook walked down the stairs never taking his eyes off his father "Well see how long this one stay around I think what was her name Jennie, she stayed around for a few weeks

Jimin stopped after hearing her name "Jennie as in Kim Jennnie" Jimin turned around and looked at Jungkook dad who had a smirk on his face "Yeah that was her name right Jungkook" Jungkook didn't answer he knew his dad was doing this to get rid of Jimin "Jungkook how do you know Jennie" Jimin asked not taking his eyes off Jungkook's father "She was my only real friend then she moved" Jimin could hear Jungkook wanting to cry at the end "It's ok"

Jimin walked Jungkook out of the house to his "What took you guys so long" Taehyung asked already almost done with his breakfast "Nothin" Jungkook said coldly then walking upstairs "Don't ask" Jimin plopped himself on the couch looking up at the ceiling "I'm ready" Jungkook came downstairs after a while

*Time Skip*

Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung all walked to school together being a clingy bunch until they reached the door Jungkook went towards his friends as Taehyung and Jimin went staright to their lockers "I so called it about you and him" Taehyung teased Jimin normally he would get annoyed but this time he laughed about it "I'm still not sure but, he's not a bad guy at all" Jimin smiled while getting the things in his locker

"Anyways on a different topic don't you think it's weird you haven't gotten a moon or a scent" Taehyung asked making Jimin mood change "Maybe they're younger than me it's no big deal" Jimin smiled as he seen Jungkook coming down the hall but his smile turned to a staright line when he saw his friends "Sup, Tiny" Jungkook patted the top of Jimin head as Jimin tried his best not to giggle "Park give me your notes I didn't do mine" Jimin rolled his eyes at Jungkook friend Jackson "Get your own fucking note Jackson" Jungkook yelled of course attracting everyone else in the hallway

"Come on Babyboy he doesn't like you, you do know that right" Jackson got closer and closer to Jimin then started rubbing his arm and his other hand on his thigh"Stop..please Ja-" Before Jimin got to finish somone yanked Jackson away from him Jimin slid down against the lockers hugging his knees

"What the fuck man you know he's just your newest toy" Everyone in the hallyway went silent from the sound of Jackson groaing from the impact of Jungkook fist "Hey what's going on out here" One of the teachers came out yelling that didn't stop Jungkook from beating the shit out of Jackson though

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