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After she had discussed with the woman and was given a form to take home and fill, she left her office and on her way out of the building, she bunped into a guy.

"I'm sorry please" she said without giving much attention to him.
"No problem" he said and went his way.

Stepping out of the gate, she met the kind driver already waiting for her.

"Afternoon sir" and he replied with
"Afternoon my dear. Well-done".

They went home and she met her highness discussing only God knows what with Umma.

"Ina wunin ku" (Good afternoon)she greeted the both of them while squatting. They both replied and she went on to give hajia the form she was given.

"You know what to do ai. Just brief Umma then fill the form. I've sent the money already to her. Fill the form and it starts tomorrow "she said to Rabiah.
And as usual, the " thank you's " started.

The next morning, Rabiah woke up all giddy and prayed, took her bath, got ready and did the house chores she was warned not to.

After then, she had her breakfast and left for the academy.
She went to the secretary to submit her form when she met the CEO and a guy along with two women discussing.

"Good morning" she greeted them to which they replied.
She submitted her form and was about leaving when she heard the CEO calling her name which made her halt in her steps.

"Meet me in my office in the next one hour"

"Ok ma" she replied thinking about what the  CEO wants to talk to her about".

An hour later, she was seated and talking with the friendly woman about the do's and don't's of the academy .
Then later went on to ask her a few personal questions.

"My brother told me a while ago that you bumped into him yesterday and to be sincere, you did catch his attention. Sorry if I sound too straightforward but this is just me being me. But feel free and take your time. He wants to be your friend.
You look so nervous Rabiah. Please feel at ease. I'm like an elder sister to you.Ignore him if you don't want him and just focus on what you're here for. I wish you all the best".

Rabiah was too numb to say anything.She wouldn't have remembered him but she knows she bumped into a guy but didn't give much attention to even look at him.So he's the CEO's brother she thought.
The woman smiled at her and said
" That will be all".
" Thank you ma, I really appreciate"was all she could say and left the office.

"Mama, Mas'oud will be here tomorrow insha Allah. He wants to greet you".Zainab said to her mother who was concentrated on her phone doing only God knows what.

"Really"haj . Saleema said looking delighted that her daughter is finally bringing home a guy she's interested in.

"I hope he's rich" she said again which made Zainab sad because she is seriously tired of her mother's materialistic behaviour.
Everything of hers revolves around making money through any means. She just hopes the woman doesn't embarrass her in front of the guy she likes or should she say loves because she feels she is ready to settle down with the said guy.
He has proved to be a very responsible guy.

Deep down, she doesn't want anything like her wedding to happen in the absence of her twin brother, Yousuf.
He's the only person she can trust apart from herself .


Aradu nagaji

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