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🥁 Drumrolls😁.

"I'm fine alhamdullilah my son.How is your mum?"Haj.Saleema asked Mas'oud much to Zainab's astonishment.
How her mother pulled it off effortlessly would forever remain a mystery.


She knocked on the door after wasting minutes outside contemplating on whether to enter or just go back to Mas'oud and say she's asleep.

"Salamu alaikum mama.Mas'oud is here to greet you.Please don't say no she said all in one breath to her mum hoping the woman doesn't turn her request down.

"Ok toh.I will be down in a few.Go and entertain your guest"She said baffling Zainab the more.
The smile also adorned was, SPLENDIFEROUS.

Outside the room was Rabiah accompanying Farouk to his car much to Umma's insistence.
Rabi'ah on the other side got lost in her thoughts.It's always from one problem to another.
    Now the problem is someone saw her with this mysterious guy,Farouk and then went ahead to spread the news that she's having an affair with the boss' younger brother.

She doesn't know what's with him and following her since she made it clear to his elder sister.
She isn't interested in having any relation with the guy.She has too much to deal with so boys and any relationship hasn't occured to her.

Farouk on the other hand has been trying to make conversations with her but all her gets are curt replies from her.
He understands where she's coming from so he let her be and the both walked to his car lost in their thoughts,in a comfortable silence.

Farouk made a move to open the door to his card then turned around to say goodbye to Rabiah but the said girl was nowhere in sight.
He shrugged and in his mind said
"May Allah ease your affairs Rabiah"and left for his workplace.
     Rabi'ah made her way back to the room just in time as Yousuf and Umma were about leaving.
"Har ya tafi kenan"Umma said and she hummed as a reply.
"Muje Koh"
(Can we go)Yousuf said as they went towards the hospital's parking lot where the driver Hajiya sent was waiting for them.

Upon entering the living room,Umma was surprised seeing the whole family seated, including Dr.Khaleel Bashir and his wife.
"Shigo maman Rabiah"
(Get in Rabiah's mum) doctor's elder brother,the husband to her highness said.
"Ya jikin.Allah ya kara sauki"
(How's your health?May Allah grant you a speedy recovery)he said and the rest chorused an "Ameen" to his prayers.
They all conversed and after sometime,they let Umma get to her room to get some rest.

The following morning,Rabiah was eager to get to the culinary school to clear up the air.
She didn't really like the idea of anyone looking at her with doubt.

It was break time when Fareedah,the girl who claimed that Rabiah was having an affair came to meet her on her table.

*I'm so sorry for whatever I did to you Rabi'ah.
It was out of jealousy.By Allah I know you're innocent and I'd clear up the air so no one looks at you with questions hanging".
She was to get the axe if she didn't apologize to Rabi'ah as requested buy their boss.

"It's really fine Fareedah just don't repeat same mistake with another person."Rabiah said not because she was really ok with it.She cared about her reputation.
Farouk was behind a pillar watching all that had occured.He didn't confront the girl when he heard the fake news been spread across.
He met his sister and asked her to help him look into the matter as everyone threw accusing fingers at her.
Nadia had just come out of her boss' office and was about leaving when she saw the driver looking around all tensed.
"Good afternoon Mr.Edward.Sorry I'm coming out late".What she said made him more worried as she was still oblivious to the bad news.

Author's Note.
What's going on that Rabiah is oblivious to?

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