Guess who's back

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Ahahaahah sooooo hows it been boys and girls, i know i know the author left us on read and some of you boys and girls thought hes dead but he's not but hey he's back so that's gotta count for something i guess. anyways enjoy the newest chapter of Y/N's adventure to the BNHA world.

so we're picking up where we left off from the last chapter, we see Y/N in his bedroom chillin like always playing on his brand new PC that he just built. while he's chillin he get's a call from the one of the councils of Y/N's.

(Y/N's phone rings and he picks it up)

Y/N: hello?.

Councilman Y/N: hello Y/N, how are you my Nomad friend?.

Y/N: good good so uh why are you calling me?.

Councilman Y/N: im just checking up on the world that you decided to call home for a while and also just calling you to check up on you.

Y/N: ah ok ok but im not in trouble am i?.

Councilman Y/N: no no no you're not in trouble, so how is the new world like?.

Y/N: oh it's actually pretty gnarly to say the least not gonna lie, almost 80% of this world's population has powers actually do that's neat. but can't say the same for the other 20%.

Councilman Y/N: zamn that sounds like a pretty gnarly world indeed, hey look man if you need someone to talk to im your man ok.

Y/N: oh yea yea sure thanks man.

Councilman Y/N: good, now anyways how's your mental state doing?, i know that you were a decorated soldier and had a pretty big role to ending the civil war and you were subjected to some messed up experiments and torture.

Y/N: look man as i said im fine ok, my mind is like of a monk, so we done here?.

Councilman Y/N: yea sure why not, remember if you need anything im your guy ok?.

Y/N: yea thanks, hey let's talk over some beers next time ok?.

Councilman Y/N: yea that would be nice, bye Y/N.

Y/N: yea bye my guy.

Y/N hangs up his phone and is starting to remember the civil war that he participated but as he was remembering he got a ping on his cell to tell him its 7:00 AM, he quickly showers and brushes his teeth and gets ready to go to UA

we see Y/N sitting in his chair getting ready for the lesson to start till Mina and a couple other student came over to chat with him.

Mina: hey Y/N.

Y/N: yoo what's up pinky how you doing this fine morning?.

Mina: im fine thank you very much, so i heard that you fought Stain.

Mineta: yea man thats gotta be scary fighting Stain all by yourself, thank god Endeavor was there to save you.

Sero: yea you would have been minced meat if it wouldn't for Endeavor saving you.

Y/N: hehehe yea about that.

Uraraka: why what's wrong?.

Y/N: you all wouldn't believe me if i explained it to you so im just gonna do this.

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