Chapter 7: A...Picnic.

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"Sunny, please stay still." Hero placed Sunny down on one of the kitchen stools, before nervously turning around and making breakfast. His hands were shaking a bit, but it didn't make creating omelets too difficult.

Hero checked behind himself, only to move the pan off the fire, rushing over to Sunny. "No! Sit back down!" Hero watched with some strange sense of amusement as Sunny tried to jump away from him, only managing to almost fall over in the process. Of course, Sunny had made a beeline for the knife drawer. Again.

Sunny pouted when Hero picked him up and put him back on the stool, crossing his arms and turning away. Hero sighed, watching the usual flowers float around Sunny. "Look, I've already said this a bunch of times. No. Knives." Sunny only huffed in response.

Hero let out a strangled laugh.

This morning, he of course woke up before Sunny did. Hero decided to wait in bed, considering Sunny needed the sleep. Once Sunny woke up, it was clear he was back to his...regressed self. Kel was still asleep, and Hero thought it better to let him rest. This morning his parents took Sally and went on vacation. It was originally a family trip, but with Sunny around, Hero and Kel both declined to go. Hero remembers his mom being upset but understanding of the situation. His parents left a note outside their bedroom door, with a message that they didn't want to wake anyone up, and said goodbye through writing.

After changing, Hero brought Sunny downstairs to the kitchen. Hero didn't really want Sunny alone at all, so thought it was best to have him in the kitchen while he cooked. Unfortunately, Sunny kept trying to get to the knife drawer. Whatever was compelling Sunny was obviously stronger than common sense, considering Hero has put him back on the stool every time Sunny tried to reach the drawer. Hero thought he'd give up after so many failed attempts.

"Honestly...why do you even want one? Are you trying to fight someone?" Sunny glared in response to Hero's question. At least Sunny was endearing, or else this would be a lot more annoying. "Do I have to beg you to sit still or something?"

Sunny actually looked like he considered it. The flowers fluttered around as if laughing. Hero sighed loudly. "Please, Sunny. Please just sit still until I finish breakfast, or until Kel wakes up. Please." Hero put his hands together and bowed a bit.

"Not charming enough."

Hero felt an invisible jab in his gut. Although it was great Sunny was talking more, the fact that he was is a sign that he had become even more like his younger self...which is honestly not great. Hero just hopes Sunny will come back to his senses, or at least is somewhere in there and able to remember everything that happens.

Taking a deep breath, Hero straightened his back and flipped back his hair with a charming grin. "Oh great Sunny, would you please be so kind as to sit comfortably until breakfast is served?"

Sunny nodded, satisfied. Hero didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He turned around and went back to cooking, periodically checking to make sure Sunny was sitting still. Thankfully, he really did stay where he was supposed to.

Right as he was finishing up, he heard loud footsteps and a yawn. "Mornin' Hero, Sunny." Kel checked his phone before putting it away. Hero rose a brow.

"Expecting something?"

"Huh? Oh, Basil and Aubrey are coming over earlier today."


Kel gave him a weird look. "Why not?"

Hero responded with a withering stare, before plating the food he had made. "They better not be expecting breakfast. I didn't make any for them."

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