Chapter 11: Acceptance

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It took everything in Aubrey to not slam the door behind her as she stomped outside. Every muscle in her body was tense, mind swirling with rage and something else she refused to admit to.

"A–Aubrey..." Aubrey didn't turn around, ignoring Basil's timid call. "Are...are you okay?"

"You..." Aubrey grit her teeth as she turned around, glaring harshly at Basil. "Who are you to ask me that!? Who the fuck do you think you are!?" Aubrey wanted to scream, but still had enough reason to not go waking up the whole neighborhood.

Basil frowned, shaking. Tears were still in his eyes, but Aubrey saw past it.

"Knock. It. OFF!" Aubrey stomped her foot, every piece of her so desperately wanting to punch Basil. "I already saw it! I already saw how you really feel! Don't fucking pretend to be all weak around me–you can fool everyone else, but I am not that easy!"

Basil continued to look pathetic for a few more moments before his whole body tensed up. His expression fell into something similar to Aubrey's, with only the leftover tear streaks giving any indication that he had been sad. Aubrey sneered.

"Now tell me honestly, Basil. How are you feeling? 'Are...are you okay?'" Aubrey mocked his previous tone, tilting her head. Basil blinked, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.


Aubrey threw her hands in the air, spinning around before opening her arms with a loud laugh. "Exactly! Apparently, none of us are!" Aubrey ran a hand through her hair, "Sunny tried to kill himself again, Kel had to stop Sunny and get away from Hero, you're insane, and..." Aubrey gasped for air, still laughing, every word tinged with fury. "Hero's a delusional fucking murderer! Ha-ha! That's hilarious, right!? Right!?"

"Aubrey..." Basil took a step forward, concern in his eyes. Aubrey scoffed at the action, shaking her head.

"Shut up. Just–Just shut up for one minute." Aubrey began pacing back and forth, thoughts going at a dizzying pace. "I've got no clue how Kel's being so calm right now about–about everything." Aubrey shook her head. "How can he recap the events like that with Sunny right in his arms!? Sunny...Sunny just tried to kill himself! Because of Hero!"

Aubrey didn't notice the tears gathering in her eyes. "Hero...He..." Aubrey choked, eyes wide. "He...he killed her...and...and said that Mari..." Aubrey's face was red, fists clenched. She wanted to smash something. "How dare he!? How dare he say that about Mari!? And to Sunny! How could he say he did that for them? How cruel is that!?"

Basil hadn't spoken, merely standing and letting Aubrey vent. Aubrey continued to pace in front of the house, gaze traveling to Basil. " lied again. You helped him cover it up." Aubrey's lips curled in disgust. "I can't believe you. Why...why would you do that again!? Didn't you already learn from last time!?"

"I..." Basil bit his lip. " know why..."

"Oh? Oh? You want me to guess? Are you sure? Because I have a whole lot of ideas and most of them paint you in a pretty bad light." Aubrey grinned maliciously, rocking on her feet as she spoke. "Hmm...let's see..."

"We could go with the best option, which is that you just want everyone to be happy, and felt that everything would be ruined if the truth got out. Maybe you were even a bit scared of Hero! I mean, you got to see that maniac first hand!"

Basil was twitchy, staring at the ground and hiding his expression.

"But I hardly believe that's all! Hero's reasoning for...for...that..." Aubrey's face scrunched up. "Even if you saw it as wrong, you would go along with the lie. Not for Hero's sake, not for our sake..." Aubrey sneered. "You just wanted Sunny to stick around. Now that he's moved in with Kel, you're probably too happy to even care that Hero killed somebody!"

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