Chapter 13: Waking Up

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(A/N; to clarify about the character perspectives––they aren't always reliable! the story may seem to be "agreeing" with certain characters, but each characters perspective has it's own flaws and unreliable observations. aubrey last chapter was a good example of that, where her actions weren't really kind, but it seemed like she was in the right, even if she shouldn't have been. that's because of unreliable narrators! aubrey believed she was in the right, so the writing reflected that. just wanted to clear that up in case chapters from here on out have moments like that where the characters are in the wrong, despite the narration indicating they are in the right! haha... enjoy the chapter :))

Sunny walked past the old cones and roots, looking around for where Hero was. It wasn't that hard to find him.


Hero's voice was shaky, tinged with desperation. Sunny blinked, watching Hero stand up from the picnic blanket he had been curled up on, and walk toward him. Hero moved to reach forward but stopped himself just a few feet away.

" came." Hero smiled brightly, and Sunny pointedly ignored the tone of voice. Sunny nodded in response and continued to stare at Hero.

Hero fidgeted in place for a bit, before turning to the picnic blanket.

"Um...we can, sit there? If you want. Standing...might be uncomfortable." Hero continued to smile, hesitantly returning to his place sitting on the blanket. Sunny followed, noticing Hero's limp. He sat down across from Hero, just out of arm's reach.

They both stared at each other. Sunny of course wouldn't start this conversation or probably talk much, so he expected Hero to start. Instead, Hero continued to stare at him, excitement and happiness swirling around in an uncomfortable way in his eyes.

Sunny tilted his head. The movement seemed to snap Hero out of whatever daze he was in.

"Oh...sorry about that. I'm...tired." Hero rubbed the back of his head, only looking away briefly. "I...kind of...didn't think this far."

Fair enough. Sunny stifled a sigh. Did he have to start the conversation then? He wanted answers. He just...didn't even know where to start. He should've brought his sketchbook. That would've been helpful.

"Do you need something to write with?" Hero perked up, drawing Sunny's attention. Sunny blinked slowly. Hero looked around, before grabbing something that Sunny hadn't noticed before. "You can use this."

Hero held out a marker, and a notepad.


Sunny hesitated, before quickly snatching the two items. Hero's hands remained in the air for a second, probably surprised at Sunny's speed. Then, he brought them back to himself with a slight chuckle.

"Well, do you...have anything you want to ask?"

Sunny uncapped the marker, before staring down at the notepad. A mess of thoughts and questions left him unable to write a coherent sentence. Sunny tapped the marker on the paper a few times, trying to get something going.

He should probably go the direct route.

Sunny's handwriting still wasn't the best, but at least it was better than Omori's. Which...was a bit strange, since they had the same body. Maybe something to do with muscle memory. Sunny's thoughts almost got derailed again, so he quickly got the question down.

'How are you?'

"Oh. I'm...good." Hero looked confused at the question but smiled brightly anyways. Sunny narrowed his eye, quickly adding a follow-up.

'Are you sure?'

Hero's eyes widened. "I..." His hands started to tremble, eyes darting around Sunny as if searching for something. Sunny was concerned by that reaction. Especially when Hero's hands moved to his own arms, then quickly drew away, as if Hero had to catch himself.

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