Chapter 3

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The Next Day

I woke up, not really wanting to, but Hermione had dragged me out of bed. 

"where were you last night?" She asked while she put her coat on.

"I was uh with draco. At the astronomy tower." 


"I know. I know. He's my friend Hermione. I can't  help it." I put on my coat and we both start to head to the common room. 

"Be careful..." She sighed, " I mean what did you guys even talk about for so long?" She asked. 

"don't question it but, love." 

"Fred?" she looks at me. 

"Yea, he asked me who my first love was..." 

"Y/n this sounds way too familiar. This hurt you so much last time..." She looked at me. And she was right. This was familiar. Whatever happened with Fred, was because I had valued my love more than I valued the friendship. Not again. 

"Its different this time, I promise. I am choosing the friendship over my feelings Hermione." 

"okay I'm here for you." 

"What are you guys talking about?" Ron asked as we joined them in the common room. 

"We were talking about the yule ball and how Hermione needs a date." I smiled at Ron, who was slowly turning red. 

"Y/n!" Hermione squealed. 

"We should start heading over to the great hall if we want to eat before potions." Harry said and we followed him out the common room. 

"Y/n?" I froze in my spot when I heard the one and only Fred call out to me. 

"Fred! George!" I get up to meet them half way, "How are you guys!" I was fighting a lump in my throat, it was the first time I had seen Fred after last year's traumatic events. I had told, okay screamed, at him and told him he would never realize how much I loved him because he was too oblivious and would never understand my feelings. I lost my best friend that night. 

"Hey y/n!" George gave me a hug, "I'm doing good" after giving him a hug i didn't know whether or not to give Fred a hug or not. 

"Okay, uh I am going to leave because it 's going to get awkward," Of course he knew everything that happened, and how it went dow on either side. I told him my point of view and Fred told him his. The last thing i wanted was for George to play owl in this so I told him we could still stay friends if he was okay with it, and we didn't have to talk about Fred.

"Hey.." I said to Fred, "Listen, can we please forget what happene-"

He interrupted me with a hug, "Of course we can darling. No judgement remember?" 

"Goodness, that's great because I was actually starting to become worried!" 

"You're not getting rid of me that easy y/n"I smiled at him, "but let's go say hi to the others." i nod and follow him.  

Your first love always comes back.  I recall moony telling me last year. It was true, no matter what, somehow you always feel like you run into them anywhere you go. Like I told Draco, this world is cruel and real. No way to go but forward, well not really but it was the way i should go. 

We stood next to each other, and for a second I forgot anything I felt for Draco and focused on this. On him. Standing next to him made me happy because it's what we would look like together. Snap out of it.  I saw Draco walking out of the dining hall alone. 

"Alright guys, uh I'll catch you later. I am going to go meet a friend." 

"A friend?" Fred asks. 

"Yes Fred, a friend. It means  a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection" I mocked , it was nice feeling like old times. 

"I know what a friend is, i meant who." He scoffed. 

"Draco. Draco Malfoy," And before i could turn i could have sworn I saw a hint of jealousy. And to say the least that made me feel really good. I mean, I don't even know who I would choose if it came down to either of them but it's not like they even like me back. 

"Hey draco" I catch up to him. 

"Hey, are you headed to potions?" He asked.

"Yea, you'll never guess who I ran into today." 


"Fred motherfucking Weasely" 

"Language!" He fakes, "But no way? What did he want?"

"Well I guess we are friends again, but i don't know draco it felt different?" 


"Yea, like I swear I could see a hint of jealousy when I mentioned your name." 

"You mentioned me?" 

"Well, yea I told them I was going to catch up with you. "

"Wait, y/n, I had the same problem with Pansy. I overheard her saying she was talking to someone." I had a great idea then, but I didn't know if this was going to be the right thing to do. 

"What are you suggesting," He already seemed knew what I was trying to say. 

"What if, and please don't get me wrong. What if we..." I paused because students were passing.

"What if we fake date? It would be completely platonic and it would be a great way to see how our people actually feel about us." 

"No way, Y/n," he pauses, seeing Pansy down the hallway with another guy, from Hufflepuff. This seemed to humble him so much so that what he said next shocked me too, or moreso what he did.  

"Shit she's coming this way," and right then, on the opposite side was Fred and George walking together. Towards us. 

"Kiss me," Draco whisper shouted. 

"What? I am not going to-" He interrupted me with a passionate, beautiful, soft kiss. His lips were like clouds, actually, clouds weren't even the right adjective for it. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in. It was like no one else was around to see it. I put my arms around his neck. It was like it was only us in the hall. And I was interrupted, again, from my thoughts after Draco pulled away. And for a second, for a split second, he seemed like he wanted to continue. 

"Just a friend ey?" George teases as they passed us. When i saw fred's face, he almost seemed hurt. I was just imagining that... right?" Draco removed his arms from my waist and i removed my arms. 

"L-let's go," i stuttered. Why did i have to stutter. 

"Did you just stutter?" he smirked. 

"I dont want to hear it, let's go." 

:I thought you didn't want to do this?" 

"I didn't but, it was impulsive. And..." He paused

"Did you see Pansy's face?! She seemed so angry!" Of course. Of course this was about her. It was always about her, "I'm in y/n. I am so in lets fake date." 

There was always someone else. 

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