Chapter 4

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"If we are going to do this, we have to do it right," he whispered. We were currently in potions, already studying for the upcoming test, "we all know you can't lie for the hell of you." 

"I can too!" I raised the volume of my whisper.

"Miss Black, do you have something to share to the class? Or are you incapable of controlling yourself." Snape shoots daggers into my eyes. 

"Sorry sir, it won't happen again." I look at Draco, who was smirking. 

"we need to talk about how we met, and how we got together. " he says. 

"Leave that one to me. We were in the car together on the way here." he hums in response, "And you were really charming," 

"I flirted with you," 

"yes, and then we met that night at the astronomy tower and we were talking." 


"About everything and nothing." 


"And then once it hit midnight, you kissed me, under the moonlight. It was perfect and it was long." I realized I made this sound too personal. 

"That may be the smartest thing you've ever come up with." He jokes, "okay but won't your friends know? will Potter and Weasley keep their mouths shut?"

"They will, I mean I know their secrets so..."

"Woah are you actually playing dirty?" 

"I am not a Hufflepuff Draco." I pause, "Are we going to kiss in front of our people?"

"I'm sure you would enjoy that, but I think we should kiss sometimes. Not every time we see them, but only when we think we should."

"Can we come up with a signal to make sure we know we are about to kiss?" 

"Sure, I'll call you sweet heart." 

"That sounds," I was going to say dumb, "fine." 

"are we really doing this?" I ask

"It was quite literally your idea y/n" 

"right." I paused, "What if this is a bad idea." 

"Nervous already princess?" Don't do that... or  I might actually fall, again. 

"Yea right... you wish."

I felt a hand on the back of my head being forced to look at my paper. It was Snape of course. I look at Draco and giggle.  

We were dismissed and this time instead of walking with the trio Draco took my hand in his and we walked out of class together. As we exited I could hear Pansy saying nasty things about me, I don't think Draco had noticed. It shouldn't bother me, i should be happy that whatever this was, was working. We were holding hands even after class, as we got to the next. Was this really happening? Was I really in a fake relationship? And as we almost got to Moony's class until I saw Fred, by himself, who made eye contact with me. He got up from where he was sitting and came up to us. 

Oh no. 

"Did he threaten you into this or something?" He scoffed. 

"Why? is it so hard to believe that I am in a relationship Fred" 

"No. No, thats not what I mean-"

"No Fred that's exactly what you mean. You can't believe that I actually like someone that's not you." 

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