Chapter 7

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It was finally the day of the ball. I avoided Fred all week and spent more time with Draco. It was nice because we didn't argue about anything after the ball. Despite the multiple warnings I have gotten telling me to be careful with Draco or that i should have chosen Fred, I was happy and content with my decision. 

"Y/n, you haven't even put your dress on, we have to walk down those stairs in 20 minutes! You looks amazing by the way," Hermione was panicking, and put on her dress. I was putting on the, green, dress that Draco sent it to me because I wanted us to match. 

"I know, I know, I just need to look perfect." I paused to look at her, "And you look exactly that wow," I twirl her around, "are you and Ron matching?" 

"Yea, I didn't think he would agree though. Hell i didn't even think he would ask me." She blushed.

"If y'all don't get married I'll plummet to my death." I joked. 

"I swear he's so slow, he couldn't even understand I've liked him for three years.." she laughed.

"I don't know how you have the patience, I mean look at me I screamed at Fred because. I couldn't keep it in." 

"I can't believe I am saying this, but I am starting to become happy you chose Draco." She smiled. 

"Wow, you actually said that?" 

"Okay shove it. Let's go or we won't see our boys in suits ever again." 

"I'm excited." 

We left and walked to the ballroom, and as we walked down the stairs together, a new euphoric rush I only ever felt once in my life. It was something else to be able to feel that again. I made eye contact with Draco, and there that feeling was again. I didn't even notice that Ron and him were even able to stand that close together without arguing. We made it to the end of the staircase and they both took our hands and kissed it in unison. We all went inside and started dancing with everyone else. 

Draco took my waist and hand, "Draco I can't low dance, I've only done it once." 

"Just follow my lead and look into my eyes. Focus on only me." There it was. Again. All I could ever ask for in a guy. I stared into his eyes and followed his lead. 

After 5 minutes, I think, passed the dance flowed into pop music and I excused myself since I don't really do well in loud places. Draco was with Blaise and his other friends so I went to go find Harry, who was sitting with the other two and Ginny. 

"Hey guys," I sat down, "how was your guys' nights?" 

"Y/n we were literally all dancing in the same area." Harry said.

"Don't be silly of course she's not going to notice. She was with Draco" Hermione teased. 

"Oh my- oh my gosh y/n don't look now but I think Pansy just made Draco kiss her." Ron said as he stood up. I turned in my chairs, my eyes widening. Pansy looked at me, smirked, and walked away. 

Draco was frozen in his spot, not able to process what just happened. I walked up to him, grabbed his hand and took him outside straight away.  

"Draco, what the heck just happened, did she just force you to kiss her?" 

"I don't- I don't know y/n she just came up to me and started dancing with me. I didn't think anything of it because she knew my relationship with you." His voice was wobbling and his eyes were tearing up, "But she didn't stop there, she didn't even ask me she just grabbed my collar and kissed me." He was crying now, "Please y/n you can't be mad. Please, I didn't kiss her you have to trust me..." This seemed to really bother him, I could smell his thoughts of what his father was saying, "you have to see, she made me do it she-" I interrupted him with a hug

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