Chapter 3

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One week later bc I don't wanna write anymore

Tomorrow was the day Richie had to go to a dumb smelly icky camp with dumb smelly icky people oh and his dumb friends, who were less smelly and icky, and I guess they could be smart, sometimes.. Richie was all packed up and dreading the day ahead of him, at least he'd be with his friends and Eddie- I mean... whatttt? You didn't hear that... him and Eddie are just friends... hehe.. whatever.


Despite having his best friends by his side Eddie was hella nervous, I mean who wouldn't be, he was home all summer and it's only been a month since the whole clown thing, which holy shit, truama much? Eddie was nervous that something would happen at the camp, he was also awfully nervous about the cleanliness of... the whole camp, ugh and the food, and the people (kill me now!) shut up Eddie ur being dramatic. Anyways he'll be with his friends, it's all gonna work out! Eddie was still shooken (is that a word??) up so he called his bestie for the restie Richie;


"Richie, I'm so nervous for camp"

"No way me too I thought I was the only one"

"I didn't that's why I called your ugly ass"

The knot on Eddie's stomach began to unwind as he talked to Richie 

"Um excuse me, I'm like the cutest thing on earth!"

"Uh ew."

"Oh actually I lied, that's your mothe-"
*ring ring*
"Ok Eddie you didn't have to hang up"

"Stop talking about my mom like that"

"No why"

"Ugh shut up Richie"

"Yea yea whatever, anyways what did you bring because I have a toothbrush, shampoo and just like a bunch of clothes"

"Ugh I don't even wanna begin with the amount of stuff my mom packed me, I took half of it out but I'll spot you if you need anything"

"Haha, thanks, does your mom know it's only gonna be like 3 weeks long?"

"Are you stupid 3 weeks isn't a month, but I don't know I hope so"

"Whatever it's late"

"It's 10:30, you'll live"

"Haha Ok whatever Eds I'm tired I'm going to bed I'll see you tomorrow.."

"Ok, wanna sit next to each other on the bus?"

"Yea sure, I made a new mixtape I think you'll like, because my music taste is obviously the best"

"Ew I hate your music taste"

"Your mom sure doesn't"

"Whatever Rich, goodnight"

"Night Eds"

"Don't call me that"


Eddie smiled to himself before walking to the bathroom to get ready for bed

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