Chapter 7!!

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Eddie woke up in a cold sweat, 'I really don't wanna be here right now' he thought to himself as he stood up and walked out the cabin, it didn't make any noise considering it was a thin wooden cabin with curtains for windows and a door. He made sure his counselor was asleep as he walked out and began to walk down the gravel hill when his foot slid out from underneath him, he gasped when he slipped and grunted as his back slammed against a ton of pointy rocks, he rolled over on his side he heard footsteps coming out of the bobcat cabin, "Ed's?!" He heard Richies voice call out then felt a hand on his back, Eddie groaned "Richie??" Richie kinda pushed Eddie to sit up, "are you ok man? What happened? Do you need to go to the nurse?" Richie asked concerned, Eddie started to blush, "I-I no I'm fine... um, I just tripped I guess??" He stammered, "what did the fall turn you into bill? Oh shit.. Eds you're bleeding let's go to medbay.. you're gonna get aids" Richie mocked but Eddie's stomach sunk, "fuck you trashmouth." Eddie snarled, "sorry sorry let's go." Richie helped Eddie up and guided him down the hill, even though he didn't really need it all that much. Eddie's ears turned red, thank god it was midnight so Richie couldn't tell, Eddie didn't really know why he was blushing or why it felt like butterflies were in his stomach.


Richie blushed as he guided Eddie to med bay, he knew Eddie didn't need it, and he knew why he was blushing, Richie had liked Eddie ever since 5th grade, maybe longer, Eddie's dumbass hadn't noticed yet the other losers have and they've asked him about it, he brushed it off and called them names and said 'Eddie's just my best friend, I'm not gay' Richie was obviously lying but only Bev seemed to realize, but whateves that's unimportant, Eddie was hurt. Richie knocked at the med bay door, no use, the door was unlocked so Richie opened it, "um sit on something or uh something I dunno.." Richie mumbled confused, 'fuck man I'm not a doctor' Richie groaned, and grabbed alcohol and the other stuff Eddie told him to get, "you sure? Doesn't alcohol burn?" Richie questioned, "yes Rich I'm so not down to get aids or infections or literally anything, what if I have to amputate?!" Eddie stressed "oh my god chill out with the aids thing, you're not gonna get it" Richie rolled his eyes walking over to Eddie with the supplies... "what the fuck do I do?"
"Are you stupid?!" Eddie exclaimed Richie rolled his eyes at Eddie's remark and doused a cotton ball in alcohol.

Kinda short sorry I'll continue chapter 8 hehe

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