Chapter 6!!

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It turned out Richie and Stanley were the only ones in the bobcat cabin, which made Richies stomach turn and still he fronted, acting really cocky, as if he didn't care that he was gonna share a cabin with 7 kids he didn't know, "nah man im not worried, I mean I am worried for Bev.. she's all alone in her cabin!" Richie blabbered, Bev laughed, "yea but my fake slut legacy doesn't follow me here, I have a chance to make friends!"
'Yea but what happens when they see you only hanging out with us?' Richie hummed to himself, "wellll have you met anyone in your cabin that's i dunno, worthwhile... better than us? Never mind, that's preposterous! Absurd! Impossible!" Richie exclaimed in a fancy British voice, Bill smacked him on the back of his head so Richie punched his arm as the losers giggled, Richie looked at Eddie who was rolling his eyes.


Eddie walked with Stanley up a big hill to get to their cabins, which were right next to each other, Richie would've come but he was too busy pestering the people around him, Stanley was quiet but not the awkward quiet, they were just quiet well until Eddie started blabbing about aids and infections after seeing a splatter of blood or red paint on the cheetahs cabin, "that's disgusting!" Stanley groaned

"I know what the fuck, don't they clean this place?! You know a friend of my moms got aids from a pole in-"

"New York city through a hangnail, yea we know Eds you never shut up about it" Stanley his eyes as Eddie shoved him jokingly

"Shut up Stan, I'd rather be safe than sorry, plus I just got that stupid itchy cast off, oh also, don't call me Ed's that's such a stupid name for stupid people."

"Jesus dude lighten up I don't think the kids here have aids I mean shit half of them are wimps!"

"Yea whatever, they could have other diseases, Eugh! I don't even WANT to think about it, I think I need my inhaler."

"Do you have it on you?"

"Shit no I think *gasppppp cough wheeze whatever* Richie has it.. FUCK!"

"Keep it down the counselors probably don't wanna hear that, but here Richie comes now, why'd he have it anyways"

"I dropped it on the bus I saw him pick it up but I forgot to ask for it back *wheeze hack*"

Richie walked up to Eddie bent over wheezing, "shit Ed's you ok?" Richie laughed "oh wait shit I forgot you had asthma um ok where's your inhaler"
"You *wheeze* have it idiot" Eddie snapped, Richie panicked and dug into his pockets and pulled it out, "here oh wait Ew pocket lint one sec" Richie used his shirt to wipe it off, and Eddie snatched it from him, *huff huff??* "you asshole how'd you forget it was in your pocket?!" Eddie coughed out, "I'm sorry Eds! Your mom really distracted me!" Richie tried not to laugh at his own joke, Eddie balled up his fists and shot a death look at him before turning around and marching away "Wait Eddie! I'm sorry!" Richie snickered, Stanley rolled his eyes at him and began to laugh with him, "whatever let's go to our cabin." Stanley giggled, "this sucks this is the first day and Eddie's already on his period" Richie snorted, Stan hit him in the arm before walking into the cabin, "you should apologize to him tomorrow, he's gonna be salty"
"For what I literally just made a hilarious joke about his mom he just has sand in his crack"
"Ew Richie shut up" Stanley made a face as Richie climbed up onto the top bunk, his bed obvi, 'I can't believe that THIS shithole is where I'm gonna be for the next month. I dunno I'd rather be home and that's saying something' Richie thought while his brain was stirring off to sleep

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