Chapter 3 - Somebody To Love

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After a few days it was Thursday, meaning I had to head down to the studio to check on the boys. If I'm honest, I don't want to go, however if i don't i will most likely get the sack. I headed down to the studio to see the boys working on their song, something that somehow surprised me.

"Nice to see you working on a song boys" I said confidently as i walked into the studio.

"Kept your promise then" Roger said breathing out smoke, when does he ever not have a cigarette in his mouth.

"Well I figured I had to, hows the song coming along?"

"Alright, Brian has just recorded his guitar solo section." John said, sat on the sofa not doing much. Brian entered the little section we were all sat in.

"Oh hey Grace, how you doing? Alright?" Brian said enthusiastically.

"Yea I'm good, just keeping to my word, which surprises Roge" I said with a slight chuckle.

"Oh that reminds me Brian me and you have a form we need to fill out, John do us a favour and go get us another round of coffees please" Freddie said proudly "Roger don't bore Miss Wheeler too much, don't want her to run away now do we" Freddie, Brian and John left the room leaving me and Roger there on our own.

I sat down on the empty sofa and within a few seconds Roger came and sat next to me.
"They don't actually have stuff to fill out you know Roge, they are probably stood behind the door listening in"

"How do you know" he asked me, which made me laugh.

"I'm the only person who gives you forms Roger, believe me when John comes in with no coffees, Fred just wants to get us alone together."

"Well then, lets give them something to listen to." he said edging his way closer to me.

"Roge we can't-" but before i could say any more he cupped his hand on my cheek, leaned in, and kissed me on the kiss softly.
"You know, ever since I first saw you I thought to myself, God that girl is pretty, I'm talking first ever time, when we locked eyes during our performance at Uni. The whole conversation out back I couldn't stop looking at you. I was so sad to see you go that night, even though you said you'd come see us again I knew the chances were unlikely. As soon as we were looking for a manager I had to get the boys to ask if you were available."
"And I'm not going to just be one of those girls you spend the night with and forget about in the morning"
"God no Grace, that's not possible."
I stood up to go and get the boys but Roger was not happy about it.
"Nope your not going anywhere now I have you all to myself" he grabbed me and pinned me against the wall before embracing me in a passionate kiss. It made me realise maybe just how much he loved me, even if he never showed it.

"Roge we can't-"

"God your gorgeous" he said laughing kissing me again. I soon managed to flip over so he was against the wall instead which made him stop kissing my lips passionately but instead, my neck . However we were interrupted by an opening door, I think the boys got tired of listening and decided to swap to watching. I could feel that Freddie was silently laughing because that is so Freddie. As soon as we heard them we looked over in that general direction "Oh shit" I thought to myself.

"Interrupting something are we?" Freddie said no longer hiding his laughter.

"Well I very much expected it from Roger but not from you Grace." Brian said in shock.

There was no point trying to hide it anymore, they had caught us red-handed. The only thing i managed to say was "so where are the coffees John" What the hell! What a stupid thing to say! By this point the boys had walked in unable to control their laughter, Freddie mainly. "All right well stop laughing and get to work" I said with a slightly annoyed tone to my voice.

They all walked into the recording area but Freddie walked up to me. "So how long has this been going on then manager."

"Freddie, once, just today, but i swear on my life Freddie if you tell EMI!" I said seriously, but it just made Freddie laugh.

"No I wouldn't, you and I both know that you love each other, in fact the rest of the band does now to and i would never ruin that for you or Roge" he began to walk off but as he did he turned to me once again to point to my neck, then walked off again.

Oh god Roger Taylor what have you done to me. I thought, instantly trying to feel my neck, rather stupidly, i don't know what i thought i was going to find, Freddie looked back at me and mouthed the word "hickey" seriously how i wanted this day to be over. Once it was the boys decided to go out for a drink, again, I headed home.

I sat down on the sofa only for the phone to ring, it was EMI. Oh shit, what if they found out about what happened with me and Roger! The only thing they told me was that Queen had been booked for a tour of America! But I was responsible of telling them and booking the tickets and hotels. That was fine with me! A tour of America! What could be better for them right now!!

Just as I was about to go to bed the phone rang again! I picked it up still exited for Queen!

"Hello darling, its mum! I'm so sorry to let you know this late but your father has passed away" I was heartbroken. Not dad, my favourite parent. After everything he did for me growing up! "His funeral is on the 12th May"

Shit, that's the day I leave for tour. "Mum...I cant make it."

"You have got to be kidding me right now, its your fathers funeral"

"I will be in America on tour with my band."

"You have a decision to or your band...choose wisely..."

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