Chapter 4 - Don't Stop Me Now

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"Band...I'm sorry mum" and with that she hung up the phone, leaving me in tears. All I wanted to do right now was call Roger to get me through this but it was to late for that, I went to bed crying for hours before falling asleep.

The next morning I dreaded the thought of having to make 4 different phone calls. Only then realising that they were in the studio today, so i headed down there. The relief of no phone calls.

"Good morning boys! Got some exciting news for you this morning!" I said excitedly, knowing what it was and that the boys would go wild!

"Oh please, do tell us!" Said Freddie taking his headphones off.

"No, I think I might take as long as i can to tell you boys..." I said trying to keep the excitement still.

"Tell us now if you love Roger" Brian said with a laugh. Roger raised his eyebrows at me, waiting for an answer.

I gave a deep breath "I had a call from EMI last night-" before I could say anymore the band was laughing at presumably my sweet gesture to Roger " have been booked a tour of the states...YOU ARE GOING TO TOUR AMERICA! You leave next Friday" I couldn't hold in my excitement anymore. Clearly the band couldn't either as they started questioning me and cheering with each other, all but Roger. Who instead of celebrating with the band immediately ran up to me and pulled me in a tight embrace kissing my cheek, which got looks from the band.

"We must celebrate tonight with a drink! Who's up for going up to the pub tonight!" Freddie exclaimed the band cheered with Freddie agreeing to go with him. "Oh Grace please do join us!"

"Unless you want to be sleeping on the floor of the american streets for 6 months then I can't come, after all I am responsible for booking everything before 12 noon tomorrow" No matter how I said it, did I seriously think that I was going to fool Queen into not coming on a night out.

"Oh come on gorgeous, you can do it all tomorrow" Roger said with a sweet tone to his voice, getting looks from his band mates. Freddie of course had a massive smirk on his face.

"Only and only if you promise to get your album done in a week!" I said while Roger was giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Yes we promise!" he blurted out "thank you" he whispered in my ear to me as he gave me another tight embrace. I don't know what side of Roger I have brought out, it is most certainly not the Roger Taylor everyone is used to but honestly, I hope he is here to stay.

Later that day i had a knock at my door. What was I expecting? Because even though I had agreed to go out to the pub with Queen, somehow Roger Taylor stood at my door on a Friday evening surprised me. "Roger, hello." I said looking into his eyes. But he didn't reply. "Roger?"

"Oh yes hello Grace, you look...beautiful, really" he said in a calm manor. I laughed a little. He walked me down to the pub that we were meeting at, and surprise, surprise the rest of the band was already there.

"Hello there Grace, Roger" John laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"Look at him Grace" Brian said pointing to Roger.

I slowly turned my hear towards Roger who was blushing at this point, he was stood as close to me as he could with his hand round my waist, which made me smile. Was my client in love with me? Why am I even asking myself this? I know what happened between us in the studio, but..I'm his manager.

We sat down at the table Freddie picked for us, right at the back of the pub. I can't help thinking if he chose that so me and Roger could be together without many people noticing. Brian bought us the first round of drinks, and even though I was going to regret it in the morning, I agreed to a couple more rounds.

After a few rounds I denied anymore after remembering that tomorrow I had to book the bands hotels for their tour of the states. The band continued to get drinks and after a few more rounds of them drinking they were all pretty drunk. Roger mostly. It got to the point that he was flirting with me without even trying to hide it.

"Grace, what you doing later?" he asked in a flirtatious manor.

"Making sure you get home safe and then going to bed, and no those plans are not changing."

"Not even for me" he asked with puppy dog eyes, I hate saying no to him when he does that, and even drunk, he still remembers.

"Oh come on, allow yourself to have fun every once in a while manager." Freddie said having another drink.

"No, I can't. I'm serious guys, you won't be going on tour if I don't get everything booked tomorrow." No matter how serious I was, the boys wouldn't take me seriously. Roger wouldn't have it, he wrapped his arm around me and lent in. However I moved away from him, knowing he was drunk. "Roge you're drunk-"

"So? You have the most fun when you are drunk love" he said leaning in again. Oh fuck it i thought one kiss can't hurt and it will shut them all up. I gave in and kissed him back on his lips softly, I could hear the band cheering.

"Alright guys, it's not that bad" I said to them "You don't have to cheer whenever you see me and Roger who may i point out is very clearly drunk."

Later on in the night I had decided it was best to take Roger home, it took some convincing but we got there. I realised I didn't know where he lives therefore I took him to my place. I dragged him through the door and shut it behind me, he wasn't really walking and more sleeping on my shoulder. I dragged him into my room and laid him on my bed, tucking him in hoping he would get some sleep. I saw his eyes slowly flutter open as I shut the door to my bedroom.

"Stay with me?" he said in a soft, quiet, sweet tone. How could I say no to him, he was so sweet and clearly drunk. My plan was to go and sleep on the sofa and let him have the bed tonight but I felt to guilty and decided to stay with him. I slowly climbed into the other side if the bed turning away from Roger, I fell asleep very quickly and I hope Roger did to.

The next morning I woke up and all I could see was black. I thought I was still in a dream, but i soon realised what was actually happening. I was cuddled into Roger Taylor's chest while he was giving me a tight embrace. At some point in the night I must have turned over in my sleep and weather he was awake or not at the time I don't know. But I do know that right now I was trapped in the arms of the drummer of one of the most famous rock and roll bands of all time, and honestly, I wasn't complaining. I didn't want to be the freak who watches people when they sleep, but I also didn't want to wake Roger by moving. So I decided to pretend to be back asleep.

"I can tell your awake Sweetheart." a soft, calm voice said to me. It was Roger. "Sleep well?"

"Y-yes...and you"

"After the alcohol wore off yes."

We both got out of bed and I made a coffee for both of us and some breakfast. We had a long chat over breakfast and Roger decided he had to head home to get freshened up.

Before we knew it, it was Thursday and the day before we left for America! Queen was doing really well! We had just released their album A Night At The Opera and it was not doing as great as we had hoped, but we didn't let that take us down. Even with all the annoyance and depression from me not making my fathers funeral and my family threatening to never speak to me again, I had to keep positive for the band and not let them see the depressed, anxious side of their manager.

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