Chapter 7 - Seven Seas Of Rhye

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Well, what can I say? Even though I may be Rogers manager, relationships still stay strong. EMI doesn't know, and they have no need to, that is until it is made public, or we are caught. Queen have officially become one of the most successful bands now, in particular in Rock and Roll. Their song Bohemian Rhapsody is doing very well at the moment, and we hope it stays like this after all the backlash when it was first released. I don't know about the public, but I really don't mind listening to a six minute song by this band. Roger still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend, we both act like were together though. I have to say I think even Brian and John are loosing patience with Roger. Freddie has lost his marbles and has said that he will ask me to be Rogers girlfriend if he has to.

I was down at the studio today because i had nothing better to do, I couldn't help overhearing what the boys were saying, which made me laugh.

"Seriously man, just ask her today, it's not like she will say no!" Brian insisted.

"She might say no"

"Roge, seriously man. You already act like a married couple!"

"Brian shut up she's coming!" Roger said nudging him.

"What's going on out here, all I can hear is you boys bickering with each other, not working" I knew what was going on, but why should I say?

"Roger has something to ask you!" Freddie demanded.

"Does he now"

"No. No I don't"

"Right well get back to work then boys!" I walked up to Roger and whispered in his ear "I wouldn't say no darling." he looked at me as I slowly walked off, back to the sofa i was sitting on.

"What did she tell you Roge?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

After a couple hours it was their lunch break. Instead of going off to lunch with the boys, he said he would be there in a minute and walked over to me.

"You need to go and eat Mr. Taylor" I said not looking at him but instead the band walking next door.

"Oh, your calling me that now are you?" he got to me and sat next to me, putting his arm around me. "You know, sweetheart" I focused my eyes on him, he took a deep breath before leaning in to kiss me gently on the lips "Why should I go and eat with the boys, when I can stay here...with you..?"

"Because you need to eat."

"Look I need to talk to you...there is something I have been meaning to ask you for the longest time, but I guess I've been to scared..."

"Roger! Food!" we heard Brian yell. I gave Roger a nod to the side, as if to indicate 'go and eat' but he clearly didn't get the memo. He stayed sat next to my just staring into my eyes.

Brian ended up walking into the room and hit Roger on the shoulder. "Roger. Food. Now." Brian ended up coming into the room and dragging Roger out, making me laugh.

What was he going to ask me? To be his girlfriend? No, it wouldn't surprise me at this point. But he can't be asking ME that.

They came back into the studio after eating, Roger walked up to me and whispered "I'll be at your's tonight love"


Later that night, just as he had promised, Roger came to my apartment. "Mr. Taylor..." I said knowing he would get annoyed, not in a bad way.

"Oh stop it" he said entering my house, shutting the door, and pulling me in for a soft kiss on the lips. We walked out onto the balcony of my apartment, and he cleared his throat.

"Grace, I love you, I always have and you know, I think we both know it by now..." he stuttered, not daring to look me in the eye.

"Roger, look at me." I said softly, cupping my hand on his cheek and pulling it so it was facing me. I looked him in the eyes for a second. "I know what you are about to ask me Roger, we both do, and we both know the answer to it." he took a deep breath.

"I don't know how to say this properly but....Grace Wheeler, will my...girlfriend?"

"Is that even a question Mr. Taylor...yes of course I will." we both gave a slight laugh and he gave me a soft kiss.

"YESSSS FINALLY!!!" we heard shouting from inside my house. We turned around quickly and both stood in shock for a moment.

"How the fuck did you get into my house!" stood in my house, in front of my eyes were, Freddie Mercury and Brian May.

"Some things just get around my dear." said Freddie with a cheeky grin "See Roge I told you she would say yes."

"Where is John?" Roger asked, did he want him to be here?

"Refused to come, party pooper if you ask me."

"Yea Freddie, well at least he respects privacy. Get out of my house, both of you." I insisted.

"What about Roger, shouldn't he be leaving to?"

"Fred, she's my girlfriend, Mary wouldn't be leaving with everyone else would she? Now go. Also this stays between the band, and the band only." Roger said confidently. He really knows how to stand up to Freddie, better than anyone I've ever known.

We managed to get them to leave and Roger stayed for a bit before leaving to. I didn't want him to go however we both thought it was best. I get to see him in the morning anyway, and I can't bloody wait.

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