Fashionista: Taekook

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#Taekookau where a Tech CEO, Jeon JK is asked to attend a fashion show. What he doesn't know is that his 'hot but secret' Boyfriend / rival CEO Kim V is going to be the showstopper in the same show. 

#taekook #taekookau
#vkook #vkookau
#kookv #kookvau

Jk has never been to any such events as he is an absolute introvert. But he couldn't say 'no' today. Because this invite belongs to his boyfriend's closest friend, who is one of those fews who know about them. And he knew he would encounter his love here, in this event, which he thought would be limited to curt nods or professional handshakes. But he didn't expect to sit right in front, at the centre of the ramp, in a VIP chair to watch the beauty of his dreams walk the ramp like a Fashionista.

The show goes well, everything is calm until it's the time for the last segment of the show. Now here comes V, currently on the other end of the ramp, from where he would begin his walk. The spotlight shines not only on his beautiful, sharp features but also on his sequin clad upper body and those tight leather pants and that red bomber jacket, ooh… that compliments his golden skin a little bit too much. But the last straw is the extravagant diamond necklace that is settled on that glittery black blouse, right over his chest.

Knowing Kim, he definitely is very uncomfortable in those, while everyone's eyes are on him. He is a little shy, you know! He has always worn those classic suits and retro fits while in public which are always a bit loose and flowy. But right now all these clothes are hugging his body so tight that everyone present in that hall is getting a glimpse of the beauty that hides underneath those baggy, bulky clothes.

And knowing Jeon, you can be sure he is having a hard time controlling his inner possessiveness.  But then again, he cannot act upon it as they are not out publicly. 

'Now now Jeon! Here comes karma biting right in your behind. Because when your gorgeous boyfriend for 5 years wanted to declare your relationship out in the open you declined! Because you wanted to use it to your advantage. Make people believe you hate each other's guts. Make them believe you would be ready to backstab each other, at any given moment. Just the way you did with your other rivals.

You loved seeing how those oblivious greedy people would come to you and spit shit about your boyfriend, spilling his business secrets in the hope that you would act upon it. But contrary to what they hoped, you outed them to Kim. Both of you took them out,  piece by piece. Strengthening not just both of your businesses but also the bond you both shared. 

And let's not forget the fact that you liked living this as a secret. It gave you rush, thrill! Dodging the media, those approaching suitors, fooling the competitors and what not.

But what now? When half of the crowd is ready to jump, try to woo your pretty boyfie, thinking he is single and available. You dug yourself a pretty big hole Jeon! How do you plan to play this one out?' He asked himself. 

While trying to find the answers, he just sat there with bated breath watching his boyfriend walk the ramp with flair, as if he has been doing it for years. He is not sparing a single glance at anyone else but him. And JK knows, there will be articles tomorrow about their intense staring game. People would call it out of rivalry, they would think the CEOs are challenging each other. But only both of them know what this exchange means.

'Are you proud of me Kook? Did I own the stage?'

'Of course my king, just the way you own all of my existence!'

They are saps. They know that. 

Would they change it? 

No, definitely not!

In the bitter world that they survive in everyday, this little hint of sweetness is everything to them. Whenever they are scooped up in their private little home, away from the city; they are not these vicious businessmen. They are just Tae and Kook. Gaming nerds, romantic musicians, funny little dorks and passionate lovers.

Oh how Jeon wishes now, to show the whole world what they mean to each other… If only he had agreed when V had suggested they should become public.

He would do it the next chance he gets but his boyfriend had other plans. When he stopped at the end of the ramp, with the designer himself and posed oh-so-gracefully,  he was then presented with a mic. JK was beyond enthralled with what the other one had to say. Looking at the other, he knew Kim had something up his sleeve.

Reading V's mind comes naturally to JK. He had years of experience studying his contender. A rival who after a drunken night at a business retreat became a frequent and exclusive hookup. Then soon turned out to become his love-interest and now his boyfriend, the love of his life. He was sure that the cunning boyfriend of his was up to something, maybe a payback for keeping him a secret. And man, was he right!

The brunette spoke in his usual deep and velvety voice. "Hello everyone, thanks for coming to my dear friend and extraordinary designer, Jung Hoseok's show. Ahh… this is so new to me, the whole setting and well also the attire. Not something I would normally wear in 'public'. But today I decided to step out of my comfort zone and agreed to be part of this show, not just as a showstopper but also as a charity date. Mr Jung here has decided that the profits that he will make out of the post show auction of his clothing range along with the auction amount of this charity date would go to a wonderful charity that works in awareness, upliftment, and development of members of LGBTQ+ community. We have recently heard of the many atrocious happenings experienced by some from the community and it saddens me. It affects me deeply, personally. So when hyung offered me these prepositions I readily accepted it. Now, I request you all to be generous with your bidding so that we can make a bigger impact. I am going to invest my time and efforts into this date, now it's time to see who can be worthy of it. Let the bids begin!"

The next day the tabloids are full of JK's pics, celebrating his win (which by the way put a significant hole in his bank account). The title says,

'In an attempt to win over his rival, the ruthless CEO bids in millions for a charity date. Did he really bid for the charity or is this some kind of power play?'

JK can only laugh looking at those as the only power play that happened that day was in their home, where this cheeky little bidder reminded that Fashionista, who he really belonged to, over and over again!

And V also will let people believe what they want to see. He will let them assume things. Let them trust idiotic rumours and staged lies. He will let it be, whatever keeps his love and love life private. Anyway what happens in the comfort of their home is nobody's business. 

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