A thousand years... (Taekook)

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#taekookau where vampire in-hiding TH, is a history professor, he hates humans with all his guts. His life is suddenly turned upside down as a rude and obnoxious student JK is assigned to work under him. The catch is JK is obsessed with Vampires and is also his soulmate!

Tahehyung hates humans. He hates humans to the moon and back. Why ? You may ask. Because they have everything that he couldn't have. Everything that was taken away from him on that fateful day, a few hundred years ago, when that cruel vampire turned him into one.

You may say that then he should hate vampires.  But no, he doesn't. Because he can't hate them while he himself is one of them. So in short, he hates humans. And that is why he chose history. Because he doesn't need much effort or human contact to study it nor are a lot of people interested in it. So everything just suits the needs he has as a vampire in hiding.

Being in a modern world and surviving on purchased blóód from the blood bank's rejected registry was a costly affair, especially because it was a black market deal. He needed money, he needed a good job. Thus he carefully chose a university to work in, where not a lot of crowd was interested in his subject. And having lived for centuries now, he didn't need to study history. He had lived it.

Lack of crowd was equal to lack of mishaps. He would lock himself in his department and only come out to deliver his lectures. He used to purposely choose open classrooms, so the smells won't tempt him. He always made sure his students covered their pulse, their necks. They were all supposed to wear an apron, while in his class. His reasoning was, 'he wanted to give a professional touch to the learning experience.

Since the world turned modern, he always chose his jobs to make sure he would be left alone to work. When he was turned he could live in a jungle and hunt animals to feed from. But as the world become modern, things changed. People's views changed. There were only few of his kind's left in the world. And those who survived, decided to go in hiding. He thought he was doing the same until one day, when his world went topsy-turvy, with an arrival of a brat who was very much of pain in the ass with his airy head and snobbish attitude. But not just that, he also was obsessed with the segment of human history, which dealt with concepts of dark arts and mystical creatures. To be precise, he wanted to study the historical basis and evidences uncovering the existence of mythical beings called as vampires.

To Taehyung's misery this bratty and over inquisitive research fellow was assigned to assist him. Why? Well you can guess, because Taehyung was the only one left without a research pupil in his department, and no other student was ready to go to him, because of his cold and indifferent attitude. But that's not what snapped Taehyung up. The thing was this obnoxious creature called Jungkook, had a very enticing and tempting smell. Aroma if you may call it. And it turned out, he was Taehyung's soulmate.

"Do you think they should remove the sickle from it, Prof Kim? Do you think it would 'undo' the spell?" The brat asked in an unreadable tone. Taehyung couldn't tell if he was genuinely curious or was just trying to bother him. 

"I think they should leave it alone,Not because of the spell or something, but because the fossil looks fragile. Removing the sickle would cause the specimen to shatter if the bones are already decaying to the limits, the excavation would escalate the damage ."

"So you don't believe that vampires exist, Prof Kim?"

'Oh you have no idea of what I think, you brat...' Kim rolled his eyes before toning down his response to more professional one.

"It doesn't matter what I believe Mr Jeon, we are researchers. We believe in evidence, not the blind beliefs. My opinion would be based upon the evidence,  which we don't have right now. And that's not even our research focus, is it? My work is in 'the domestic tools used in medieval civilizations', not vampires or draculas." He tried sounding as human as possible.

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