The Back-Scratcher

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Where Taehyung has been married to Jungkook for 5 years now, and his husband has a very peculiar habit that sometimes gets the best of Taehyung's patience.

Jungkook's back itches at the most inconvenient time, and guess what?
He needs Taehyung to scratch it for him.

Well, don't get him wrong, Taehyung loves his brat, he really does! And he loves taking care of him. It's the timing of this itch that bothers him. It's almost every time when Taehyung is engrossed with something or doing something

Once, it was when he was when Taehyung was working on a very important presentation. He had spent hours of his time finding the right data, bringing out the right inferences, putting all of it into neat tables, graphs, and flowcharts. Jungkook was in a very urgent need of a scratch right then.

Another time, it was when he was on a call with one of his old friends (old friend who also used to be an old crush, but Jungkook doesn't have to know! Shhh..)

Then, there was a time when Taehyung was too engrossed with cleaning his new golf kit.
You get the point, right? The itch often appears when Taehyung is a bit too occupied. And he doesn't mind scratching his little bun's back. Not at all. It's the timing.

Even right now, he was a bit taken by the movie playing on their television, and guess what? Jungkook needs his back scratched. They are both sitting on their comfy couch while Jungkook is lying across Taehyung's lap with his t-shirt bunched up in his armpits.

"A bit on the right, Tae... a slight up... No, not that up. A little down, please. Right there... Yeah!" Jungkook moaned in relief.

"Does your itch travel all over your back, bun? It's always moving." Tae commented casually, the pulp of his fingers still running gently over the others back, to soothe the scratched skin.

"My trainer said it could be because my skin gets stretched
A lot when I work out. He has asked me to apply body oil or lotion on it, but it gets too sticky. I don't like it. And it smells too."

"So picky! What do you even do when it comes when I am not around?"

"I rub my back on the textured wall of our study." Jungkook giggled.
"What are you? A dog? Silly baby!" Taehyung pecks the sneaky dimples on the other's cheek in endearment.

He is just too whipped for his Husbun.
Then comes the day, when Taehyung is a bit agitated with his work. He is tired. He hadn't slept peacefully the whole last week. He just wants to sit down and sip some wine on that tiring Friday evening.

Then, there comes Jungkook, asking for his back to be scratched by his lovely husband, who he has rarely seen around the house the whole week.

Taehyung wasn't meaning to shout. He really wasn't. And he loves his bun to the moon and back. Yet, he was just too exhausted, that without even thinking twice, he shouted,

"God, I just sat here…" Why do you always feel itchy when I am busy with something? It's like you do it purposely to get my attention."

Well, Taehyung isn't completely wrong. Jungkook really does ask for it to get Taehyung's attention. Or want to distract Taehyung from something stressful. But when Taehyung says it like this, Jungkook feels like he is being too needy. Maybe he was just being a nuisance to his husband.

Also, he is a bit hurt. Because Taehyung could have just said 'No' at any of those times. He didn't need to yell at him like that. So hurt, upset, and feeling deflected, he just lifts himself up from the elder's lap and storms off to their room, locking the door from inside. Effectively creating a space between him and his spouse.

Jungkook is not the one to throw a tantrum, but he is a little hurt. He doesn't want to say something mean back and start an argument which they both will regret in the morning. He cools himself up, pacing back and forth in their room. And then walks right out of the room and again through the front door, not giving Taehyung a single glance.

Taehyung regrets it. He regrets what he said and the way he said, but it took him some time to realise that. He was about to apologise, but then he saw his baby running off somewhere without even looking at him.

He knows Jungkook is a fully capable adult. He can take care of himself. But he is still his babybun. So he worries when the rain starts to pour heavily outside. Weather has always been very unpredictable in their city. Jungkook loves walking, so he rarely uses a car, and he usually doesn't step outside without an umbrella. But today, as he is gone without it, Taehyung is worried. He feels fcking guilty knowing that Jungkook's brain must have twisted his words into a much deeper and unkind way that his baby bun must be cursing at himself.

He is such a jerk for acting like that. He shouldn't have said all that, but it's already too late. He pushes himself up from the couch to go and search for his baby as he knows for sure if he calls Jungkook, he will find his phone ringing in some of the darkest pits of their home.

He is about to pick up his set of house keys only to find Jungkook's own set lying in the key bowl. What if he goes out and Jungkook comes back home. He curses himself for not listening to Jungkook and installing electronic door locks in their home. Fck him and his technology-repulsive, paranoid mind.

He would have cursed himself some more, but right then, he heard his doorbell ringing. He rushed to open the door, only to find a fully drenched Jungkook standing in the doorway.

"Bun... God, I was so worried." Taehyung pulls his baby into his arms.

"Tae, I am all drenched. Your suit would get all wet." Jungkook whines in the hug.

"I don't care. It's my fault any way. Fck baby, I am so sorry. I was such an asshole with you... I didn't mean it… None of it. I was just a bit exhausted and pissed because of work. It wasn't about you, my love. In fact, I love it when you ask me to do things for you. You know that, right? Hyung loves taking care of his bun."

Taehyung pulls back and sees Jungkook giving him a tight smile.

Taehyung knows he messed up big time. It will take a lot of time to convince Jungkook. His baby is very self-critical, and every word said to him gets amplified in his mind, especially when it is a bit mean. However, he promises himself that he will make up for it.

"Stay here." Saying this, he rushes to their room, bringing in a bunch of clean towels to helphis husband get dry. He helps Jungkook to the bathroom, to change out of the wet clothes and into the dry ones, and lie down on the bed while he changes himself and mops the wet floor. After cleaning up the mess he himself caused, he goes to spoon his husbun on the bed.

"Hyung is really very sorry, Jungkook-ah. Whatever I said is all on me and doesn't reflect at all on how you are. You are way too perfect for me. It was me who was being the jerk."

"It's okay, hyungie. Maybe I was being too..."

"Don't... don't complete that sentence. You were not being anything that you can't be with me. Maybe it was me who was being an ass."

"That you were..." A corner of Jungkook's lip turned slightly upwards when he said that.
It was enough for Taehyung. Jungkook being assertive was enough.

"I am sorry, baby! Where did you go, though? I was so worried."

"I went to the convenience store..."


"I wanted to get a back scratcher..."

"You what?"


"Did you really get one?"
"No. They didn't have any. I will go to the speciality grooming store tomorrow to get one..."

"Don't you dare, bun! Only hyung gets to do that for you! I'll throw it away if you manage to get one. I'll scratch your back as many times as you want. Don't punish me like this..."

The pout on Taehyung's lips was enough for Jungkook's heart to melt. He giggled and pulled the other in a gentle kiss.

"Ouch, hyungie... Your stuble is scratching my face. It burns..."
Jungkook whined.

"Yeah? Maybe from now on, I should scratch you back with it...
What do you think?" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows teasingly.

"Shut up, you meanie, and cuddle me..."

And so they cuddled all night!

The End....

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