Depending on Luck

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Without even thinking, Miku just brings a small suitcase, and quickly runs away from the house.

Without a thorough plan, she tries to find somewhere safe, where her parents can't find her.

Without anyone to guide her, she is lost in such a massive world filled with hatred and dispair.

*As time goes by, Miku hides in a corner of an alley, thinking of a place that she could go to safely*

She starts counting her money in the dark, making sure that she has enough for transportation. Also, while trying to spare some food for the rest of the week, Miku starts taking small bites of the bread she brought, and taking tiny sips of her water. She figured that she'll have to save them, since her money might not be enough to get her away from her mother.

Miku will always love and be there for her family; however, she just doesn't want to deal with her strict mother, forcing her to do unnecessary things just to become famous.

Being the main character and the center of everything was all Miku could ever ask for, but she realizes that it's not worth it if she didn't have anyone who would actually care about her and what she thinks.

After a few minutes, rain starts pouring, causing Miku to get all soaked and wet. She tries to cover up herself with the clothes that she brought, but they just weren't enough as protection.

     Nonetheless, she tries to cope with her current situation by hoping that at least one person would show mercy and compassion towards her, and luckily, that person has just arrived in time...

     "Hi I'm Luka! Do you need help with something?" a girl with a long pink lustrous hair asks, causing Miku to tremble a little. "Do I need help with something?" Miku repeats, unsure on how to answer it as she needs help with almost everything! She literally just ran away from home and hasn't planned anywhere else to go. Not to mention, she's lacking supplies.

"oh haha" Miku chuckles, "I'm sorry, I meant yes! You see.... I actually just ran away from home and I'm looking for a place to stay. BUT! No one can know that I'm there hehe"

Luka then deeply stares at Miku trying to figure out where she has seen her before, and it just came to her. "Omg!! You're Hatsune Miku! I love your songs so much, your stage presence, your voice, absolutely everything!!"

Well trying to keep a low profile wasn't working for Miku, since Luka just won't stop yelling about how she admires her. But again, out of luck, no one was there to notice the loud words coming from Luka's mouth.

"Can you please calm down, thank you... so much... for liking me and my songs...But I really really really can't be seen right now. My paren- My manager's gonna get so upset if they found out I ran away" Miku begs as Luka gives her a confused look.

"Oh... I'm so sorry, but if I can make it up to you, I remember you mentioning that you needed a place to stay?" Luka continues while Miku listens with great interest. "I actually know a place, where no one really knows you. Meet me by the old tailor shop near the biggest bridge in this town. I know a guy that could lend us a boat-"

"BUT how do I know that I can trust you???" Miku interrupts.

"I'm sorry what-" Luka adds, "look, if you're looking for a place to stay, and if you really just ran away from home, then you have a choice: you can either wait here and stay in this town for all you want, or come with me, and take a chance of escaping!!"

Miku suddenly feels a bit guilty for doubting her, but also shocked at the same time, since Luka wasn't as cheerful as she was before. Breaking the silence, Luka says "I- I'm sorry, you must've had a hard time with your manager, especially since you just ran away from them. Just meet me where I told you by 7 pm, it's really up to you if you want to show up or not"

Before Miku could also apologize for interrupting her earlier, Luka already left with an expressionless look on her face. Confused, Miku just does what she is told and waits by the tailor shop, even though it's only 6:15 pm, since she has nothing better to do anyways.

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