Old Friend, New Memories

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After being late for a few minutes, Luka approaches Miku, and brings her under the bridge, where it is dark and silent. Miku doesn't say a word about how smelly it is down there, because she didn't want to offend Luka --a girl who is helping her escape from her nightmare--

A big dark shadow then appears, and as he stepped into the light, Miku was filled with joy. "Kaito! I've missed you", without even thinking, Miku just jumps up to hug him.


Kaito used to be one of Miku's close friends before she got famous. Their friendship didn't really end, but they did stop seeing each other after Miku's mom said so.

They would go to the park a lot when they were kids, they would eat icecream and leeks (even though Kaito never really liked those), and they would just swim around in the -dirty- public fountain when no one else was looking. Life used to be so much fun for the two of them, they were such good friends, too bad they had to be seperated...


From all the regret and sadness Miku feels for leaving her only family behind, she finally feels relieved and a bit relaxed, after seeing an old friend again.

"Hi you little leek that reeks!" after seeing Luka roll her eyes, Kaito continues, "I've missed hanging out with you, I actually hoped that you would have to leave your family eventually, and look where you are now!"

Miku looking at Luka and looking back at Kaito, she adds, "So wait... You made Luka come to me and bring me here? Why didn't you do it yourself, and why didn't Luka mention you in the first place?"

"Cause it's more fun that way... Ohh, a lost teenage girl is suddenly approached by a misterious lady, offering her help out of nowhere! She then goes to the bridge, and is surprised by her favourite good looking friend!!" Kaito replies, and turns to see Miku's unamazed reaction.

"So basically, you just wasted my time?" The two just stare at each other, Kaito looking disappointed, but then Miku says, "Just kidding! That was so thoughtful of you! But I wouldn't call you my favourite, or good looking haha".

Kaito then adds,"Hahaha, but all jokes aside, I will take you away and hide you from your mother. Also, to add on, Luka isn't as cheerful and talkative, like you thought when you first met her!" Miku then says, "Yeah, haha I figured that out earlier, especially now since she hasn't contribted to the discussion".

"I'm just a very reserved person" Luka replies.

*The three of them then go on with their trip, with Miku hoping to make new and refreshng memories, with her old friend, Kaito.*

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