A Carrot and An Orange

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When they finally arrived to a very small remote town, Luka offered to share a room with Miku, in an apartment that she's renting in, which Miku happily accepted.

   And after a couple of days, Kaito thought it would be a good idea to spend time with Miku, and show her around the place, to also introduce her to some of his friends.

"So how are you liking it so far?" Kaito asked. "This place is very different, but it's better than I expected! Thanks for helping me Kaito" Miku replied.

"MOVE!!" An angry green haired girl shouted, as she accidentally bumps into the two, making them all fall down.

"Ughh, Kaito, are you blind???" the green haired girl asked, sounding very annoyed and completely done with Kaito. "Wait... who is that teal girl?" she added

     "That's Miku, my old friend" Kaito replied, "Oh and Miku, this is Gumi, another old friend"

     "Hi Gumi, it's so nice to meet you!" Miku said in a very excited tone, since something about this girl made her feel very warm inside, but she shoves that thought off as a blonde girl arrives, who seems to look younger than all of them.

   Before the blonde girl could say a word, Gumi says with a huge smile on her face, "Oh, so you're Miku huh? Kaito told all of us about you! You're very welcome to stay here as long as you like. Maybe like a day, a week, a month, or forever haha"

"Ahem....Hey!!!" The blonde girl shouts, causing them all to look at her. Gumi then adds, "Oh my bad, this is Rin, she's only fourteen, so don't expect much from her"

"Gumi stop!" Rin says and pulls Miku to her, "Well don't expect much from Gumi neither, because all she's ever good at is being mean and rude!"

*Miku then steps aside, as Rin and Gumi starts to get into an argument.*

Kaito then comes to Miku and says, "Yeah, sorry, they fight a lot. Gumi likes messing with Rin, since she's got such a short temper."

Miku then giggles, and adds, "It's ok, I wouldn't mind that! After all I'd rather be here, then go back to where I used to live...."

"Well I'm sure you'll love it here, and don't worry, I'll limit any arguments with Rin. After all, we wouldn't want to upset such a beautiful princess" Gumi says as she winks at Miku, who is trying to hide her blush.

"Hey, how about we go out tomorrow" Miku asks Gumi. "Sure, I'd love that" Gumi replies back.

*As the sun sets, they all finally got home to get some rest*

[That Gumi girl is starting to make me feel a bit weird inside.... For some reason, I'm starting to get nervous being around her] Miku wonders to herself, as she hugely smiles, by just thinking about being with Gumi tomorrow!

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