Chapter 02

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In the early hours of the next day, Jungkook had to leave the Palace and go to Shindae village empty handed as per the orders of the king. King forbade him to carry any stuffs. So he rode on horseback to the village empty handed. He went there with a group of soldiers to the border of the village of Shindae. There after he reached he handed over his horse to the soldiers and set foot on the village Shindae in anger.

Jungkook was already bursting with anger at the King. And he entered the village of Shindae, cursing not only the King but the vice queen and even his brother Teahyung too.

By the time he entered the village, which was far away from the city Jungkook felt very hungry. Because it was already noon. The green farmlands around the village were empty due to the farmers who had already finished their farming activities and left for lunch.

Although nothing was heard or seen except for the sound of a bird. Which erased the silence. The lovely environment of the village brought comfort to Jungkook, who was bounded by the walls of the palace. Who was imprisoned in the palace named as the Crown Prince. He closed his eyes as he felt some happiness in his heart.

" This looks delicious!"

" Brother, it is impossible to give this to you. I pleaded with aunt for this. So I have more rights to eat this.... Right?!!!.. Isn't it??"

" I told you Jimin. I'm the oldest. I have more rights."

" You are older than me in just a few days hyung. Give it to me. Hyung I'm angry with you.... "

" Who are the coward fools disturbing Prince Jungkook’s thoughts.? "

Being annoyed jungkook saw two boys. One looked same as his age while the other looked little younger than him. They both were fighting over a corn like kids.

" Jimin... Look there... That person is talking to you. The younger boy turned to Jungkook as the other boy showed Jungkook to the younger one.

While Jungkook was looking at them both in suprise, Jungkook saw the young boy was looking at him while the other boy running.

" Why?....

The boy who called Jimin came near to Jungkook and asked. Jungkook looked at him in suprise.

" Why did you call me? "...

" I didn't call you. I think your brother cheated you and ran away. "

Jimin looked around nervously as Jungkook said, pointing the direction which Jimin's brother had run.

" Ah hyung.... Oh my corn...!! Hey Mr. red hanbok... You made me lose my corn. You have to pay me for my loss. " Jimin said angrily looking at Jungkook’s face and Jungkook looked back at him angrily.

" Huh... Really, What did I do?... And speak respectfully when you addressing me.... "

Jungkook said angrily because Jimin was the first person to insult him like that.

" Respect huh..!? What?.. Mr red hanbok what's the reason or basis? Are you the empire's son..huh???"

As Jimin said angrily Jungkook restrained him self to reveal his identity to Jimin. Remembering the fact that he came here.

" What would you do, if I am the empire's son? "

" Huh.. I can't argue with you Mr red hanbok. If its true that you are the empire's son or not, you have to cost Jimin's favourite corn. To make up for the loss." Jimin said angrily. Jungkook squeezed his own fist and turned around.

" oh father...
What you have done to me..!!! This ordinary people are crazy... "

Jungkook angrily said to himself and as he turned around he saw the young guy was looking at him with his hands on both his sides.

" I'm telling... I can't argue with you. You lost it because of your own fault. Besides you are not a little kid. "

Jungkook said angrily after taking a good breath and calming down his anger. Pushing Jimin aside, who was bursting with anger Jungkook walked away from him. Jimin yelled as Jungkook walked away from him.

" Hey...... Mr red hanbok..!!! Who am I? I'm Jimin. My name is Jimin. I don't let someone who lost something of mine. I'll take you to the King. It's a punishable crime to depriving someone's food." Jimin said the last part while crying, looking at Jungkook who walked away angrily without looking at him.

Afrer a few hours, when darkness fell, Jungkook walked around the village because he felt hungry and tired.

No matter how had he was tired, the arrogant prince refused to ask anyone for food or shelter. And his father forbade him to bring any money, so the only wealth he had was the ring which he was wearing.

But he did not want to sell it and Jungkook knew that these poor villages can't set a price for the ring which made of emarald beads.

He walked around the village tiredly and tiredly. Hoping for food or picking a fruit from a tree. But because of the luxurious life he had palace he didn't have experiences about it.

" I'm hungry"

Jungkook said to himself and walked through the village. The smell of villagers cooking dinner stirred his hunger. But Jungkook who didn't like ordinary food was helpless at this time.

When he felt faint, he put aside his pride and went to a house to ask for some water. But when he knocked the door his helpless body could not be controlled by his weak legs and fell on the ground.

" Who is this?.."

Jungkook opened his eyes with a woman's voice and saw some vague figures around him.

" Water..."

Jungkook groaned as his parched throat exploded.

" Mr red hanbok......? "

While letting his eyes close again Jungkook heard a familiar voice.

✍︎ princess of unluck

I 💜 you.

I'm really sorry for my grammar mistakes. English isn't my first language so I'm sorry for it.

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