Chapter 16: Agatia

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Our fortune is good for we get past the sandstorm.

But Sparrow is so exhausted when we arrive that it drops Pollen and I onto the ground, and lets us walk or float on our own further into the temperate.

It's beautiful. The temperate. The sun is happy in this patch. It shines brightly against the clear blue sky. And the grass here is the prettiest I've seen yet. It's the most welcoming too, as they sing the loudest. I mean their song is still as quiet as a whisper, but it's comparatively the loudest.

light and dark, shades of all colours, and oh so green

no queen, not a queen, we don't need a queen

careful, onlookers! our roots may not be strong

don't worry dears, we stay away from wrong


birds and dew, make us feel new

but pollen is few, oh mon dieu


words we catch of human folk

(when they sit/lie/read atop of us)

we make bright every crevice and crack

(no sign of weeds here, thanks to Agatia)


we dance along the winds of yonder

we sing, we talk and up above they still wonder

we're more than alive while you're just alive!

let's together more than thrive!

now and forever

today and in every weather

Their songs seem to get more melodramatic with every season. But who am I to judge, I chide myself. At least they can sing, such talent the grass patches possess.

Pollen watches me admiring the temperate and then a frown clouds over its white eyes.

"You know, that sandstorm there, it wasn't very natural. Actually, I've never seen one like it. Sparrow, have you?"

Sparrow shakes its head but remarks, "It's not unnatural either, it is a desert land after all. I've flown through many a rain shower, this storm was a breeze."

Pollen doesn't buy Sparrow's argument.

"I think the Wind knows you're in Grassland, Jemma. We'll have to be careful...we're so close to Agatia now. She's going to love seeing you! She doesn't meet many tiny human beings."

"There have been other human visitors?" I ask.

"Not that I've met in my lifetime, but Agatia speaks of them sometimes."

I nod thoughtfully.

We walk through an enormous field of grass. The grass here is taller than the one in the summery patch. It's also sprinkled with colourful flowers.

We keep walking through the field of grass, almost like we're going in circles.

"How long till we meet Agatia? We've been walking for a while now," I inquire.

Pollen bounces, agreeing with this notion.

"You're right. It usually doesn't take long. The moment you cross the desert patch, you find Agatia a few paces ahead of you."

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