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Without the creative force of NaNoWriMo cheering me on, this story wouldn't have come into existence. So, thank you NaNoWriMo 2014.

My fellow WriMo of about 7000 words, Luma. Thank you for bearing with me patiently as I threw bucket-fulls of half-baked ideas at you this past year. You told me I could do it when I didn't know I could and for that I am so grateful.

My sisters and my mother. Thank you for putting up with me through my slow descent into madness. You saw me typing away in frenzy and didn't smack me when I babbled (even though you really wanted to), so thank you for sparing me.

My sole champion readers — Nabeela, Susan, Simran, Mahvush, Sunan and my cousin Fatima — thank you for reading my chapters and telling me I didn't suck. You're the reason why I finished posting this book, your encouragement meant more to me than you know.

And finally, all you nice people in my life — Abeer, Swati and Shireen — thank you for always being kind and supportive of my writing.

A Peculiar String of Bizarre DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now