Chapter 37: Pleasant Dreams

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Before I choke on the growing smoke inside the tent of 5OR0W, I simply part the curtains behind me and leave. The stoic creature doesn't even bother to put up a fight. Plutonia is a strange place, just as strange as all the realms I've been to.

Outside, I find L4R4 sitting on an luminous white rock.

"Are there any other Bijou Maven in this realm? Because 5OR0W is useless to me."

The corners of L4R4's thin red lips tilt into a elegant smile.

"6AN0 said you were an intelligent girl."

"Who?" I echo back at her.

"He isn't too far away." Before I can figure out what she is on about, she takes my hand again and begins leading me to the odd-named person she mentioned before.

We turn a few corners, passing by similar blue tents. Moments later, we come across an enormous glowing-white tent. White curtains drape over its entrance, an entrance which is much wider and more inviting than 5OR0W's tent.

L4R4 slides the drapery aside and we walk in together this time.

A hundred chandeliers, as if made out of stars, consume my vision immediately. The inside of the tent is deceptively more spacious than its exterior. The illusion baffles my brain for a couple of lingering seconds.

Then, I notice a corner entirely populated with tables of food. And it isn't the kind of food I've seen in my realm; I smell enticing flavours, flavours whose source I just cannot seem to place. My eyes wander over the spread and attempt to virtually taste everything. I am wholly transfixed.

Yet another tiny pointy creature with white braids tied in a graceful bun grabs my hand, the same hand that L4R4 was holding a moment ago.

I gape at him placidly. He is a beautiful specimen, wearing a white gown brighter than all the white gowns I've seen. He grins freely back at me and I suddenly become aware of his stunning pearly white teeth. They're like stars fitted symmetrically into his pretty little jaw, excuse my crude imagination.

"Jemma! Such a pleasure it is to finally meet you! Come, you must be hungry!" He squeals at me and turning to my companion, "L4R4, I appreciate you doing this for me. I know you dislike confronting my son."

His hand gently clutches mine while he speaks to L4R4, who smiles at the white creature in her casually charming way, "I do hate your son, 6AN0," she confirms.

With that, L4R4 drifts off to meet her handsome friend, who stood waiting in the thick of the tent's crowd; his square face lights up like a welcome storm at the sight of her.

Meanwhile, the fellow apparently known as 6AN0, begins to drag me towards the food corner. My mouth waters and I don't realize how ominous it seems that creatures in this realm just lead me around and I passively let them. Probably because there are sparkling drinks, warm gravies and custard puddings laid out before me and I am unbelievably hungry. There are also foreign dishes of crispy goodness that I don't recognize at all, which lure me in closer even quickly so.

"I have to attend to a brief annoyance for a short while," I hear 6ANO inform me. "Please indulge yourself while I'm gone. We need more visitors like you, the food here never eats itself, we need more eaters!"

I nod at him — drunk with craving — as he disappears. At once, I grab a crunchy looking leafy thing and take a bite. It is salty and bready and absolutely delectable. I stuff it whole inside my mouth in the next bite. I make my way through the spread slowly, savoring each morsel of the feast and devouring some entirely without regret. I sip on rich sparkling fruit juice in between mouthfuls of food.

Some of the flavours are so beyond my taste buds that I have to stop and let my body recover from their influence. I try not to cry as they are indeed formidable tasting encounters.

6AN0 returns when I'm too full to even consider another crumb.

"Do you want me to come back later?" He asks with a concerned look.

"Please, no, don't leave me. I think I am going to combust, there is too much food inside of me. I haven't eaten like this in months."

I try to distract myself from the ensuing discomfort and decide to ask him something...anything, "What are those wheeled light-like things that you guys travel around on?"

"Do you mean the stars?"

"Those things with monster wheels, they're stars?" I ask him with suspicion.

"Yes. They're stars," he nods with certainty.

Interesting, I traveled on a star — Oh, what a starry night it has been!

"Cool, that's very cool!"

"Yes, indeed they can be cool."

I'm not sure if he understands what I mean by the word 'cool', but I leave it open for interpretation.

"How long are you staying with us, Jemma?" he asks.

"I'm sure you know as well as I do that I'm only here for a gemstone, for my Dad. I want to go home soon."

6AN0 nods solemnly. He takes my hand again and pats it in hopes of consoling me. I've gotten quite used to all the hand-holding at this point, so I don't mind him at all. My naive-self clearly didn't bother minding it in all those earlier instances, why shall it concern me now?

"You're a good daughter. Truly in contrast to my son, 5OR0W. You met him before, he's not a very good son," 6ANO asserts guilelessly.

"Oh, yeah he wanted me to give him all the gemstones I had, in exchange for the one he had. I thought it was a very unfair deal. Quite moronic actually."

"Yes, he's not acclaimed for his wits," he ponders out loud. "Did you know that the colour of our hair reflects the state of our disposition? You must've noticed...5OR0W's is black. When I sensed you were coming, I sent L4R4 out to get you but 5OR0W manipulated her to bring you to him. When she came out of her trance, you had already gone into his tent. Somehow though, you escaped him and asked to see me. Intelligent girl, Jemma!"

His purple-black eyes grow warm with sincerity as he tells me this. I tighten my hold on his hand and smile, "Well, I'm glad I'm here now."

"I won't keep you for long then," he tenderly breaks his grasp, puts a hand into his bright robe and drops a gemstone in my now open palm.

"Amethyst, for pleasant dreams. Your father will benefit greatly from it."

For a few grateful seconds, I study the stone in my hand. It mimics 6AN0's eyes — it is sincere and a purplish black. Its weight feels like it holds a quiet universe within it.

I didn't know Dad wanted a gemstone for his dreams. If he did ever want one, he could have easily procured it through his trade. But I'm sure I haven't seen a gem like this around our house. Regardless, Dad doesn't like to possess many stones, he chose to have an online business.

"Does he have nightmares?" I ask 6AN0 softly.

"As many as you do," he calmly replies.

"I only have dreams," I start, "that can be nightmares, but aren't. Atleast that's what...I think I have." I mumble in a frenzy.

"That's exactly how your father dreams," 6AN0 grins back victoriously, like a mentor who had ultimately found success in conveying an important lesson to his pupil.

As per routine, I slip the gem into safety, for possibly the last time. I turn back to 6AN0 and wrap up my adventure with a smile. "Thank you for your hospitality," I say.

Then, I set off homeward.

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