Chapter 20: The Trio at Hogwarts

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I'm quite certain: This is going to be my favourite realm. The world of Harry Potter.

Any child, born in the 90's, would give up anything for what I am about to do.

I focus on the mental image of Marion Sanders and the Cloak of Invisibility. I think to myself...I want to help Marion with her investigation.

With a flash and a blur, I leave Lykineria and find myself standing in Gryffindor's Common Room. It looks exactly like it does in the movies.

I finally get to live my childhood dream. So what if my Hogwarts admission letter never arrived, I'm apparently this voyageur thingamajig now — I can choose to visit Hogwarts at the beckoning of my own will. Following this epiphany, I berate myself to not get too cheeky about my newly discovered ability.

A huge fireplace lies embedded inside the central wall. And scattered about the warmly lit room are armchairs, tables and vintage portraits.

I walk over to an armchair and fall into it clumsily. The fire warms me inside out and my cheeks flush with happiness. I could sleep here. I could stay in this moment forever. But that is beyond the scope of my ability because right then, the entrance to the Common Room screeches open and a group of first years come rushing in.

They don't even stop to question my presence. That's when I remember that I'm still wearing my burgundy sweater and jeans. Perhaps I'm blending in? Or at least for now. I shouldn't risk staying here for too long.

The group of first years heads over to sit in a circle of chairs and tables. I grab the opportunity to focus on my mission.

I walk over to one of the students, a girl with black hair and green eyes, and ask, "Excuse me, do you know where I can find Hermoine Granger?"

"She should be here soon, we just got done with Professor McGonagall's class."

Sure enough, after a few minutes, Hermoine Granger walks in, followed by Ron Weasley and the one and only Harry Potter.

I am undeniably starstruck.

They don't notice me, much like the other students earlier. I tell myself that this is a good thing and not to get upset by it. How were they suppose to know or recognize a certain Jemmalyn Stone. I suddenly realize that I'm not eighteen, again.

I examine my face and hands, and reckon that I'm around eleven years old, just like the other first years. Surprisingly, the time travel has left my clothes intact but made sure that they still fit me. How mind-boggling!

But I'm relieved that at least the trio won't question my unsolicited invitation to interrupt their gathering. To everyone here, I'm an eleven year old witch, just like Hermoine Granger. What a day!

I glance over at them. Hermoine's hair is curlier than ever. Ron is as Weasley as ever. Harry's glasses are rounder than ever. I summon all my guts and walk over to where they're sitting, in front of a window.

"Hello," I start.

The trio turns their heads to look at me and I turn ashen in my spot.

Ron is the first to return the greeting, "Hello...?"

"I'm Jemma...a first year like you. I think you three can help me, " I manage to say.

Hermoine observes me suspiciously.

"How can we help you?" She asks curiously.

"I know Harry has the Cloak of Invisibility," I say without dilly-dallying.

All three of them surround me at once and shush me harshly.

"How do you know about the cloak?" Harry whispers urgently.

"You won't believe me. But I could use your help."

They exchange looks and Ron asks, "Where did you find the cloak?"

"Thank you, it's the best present I've ever gotten," Harry says looking confused, while Hermoine continues to regard me doubtfully.

"No, no, no, you've got it wrong, I didn't give it to you! about it somewhere. I...caught you with it on Christmas. I didn't mean to pry, I was opening my own present in the corner and you didn't realize I was there, hidden behind a pile of presents."

I feel myself turning red. I hate lying. But I honestly couldn't tell these fictitious characters the truth.

They already have one too many harsh truths lying in wait for them, and I don't want to make their lives anymore complicated than they'll eventually get.

On hearing my confession, Hermoine begins to wind down. The mention of reading must've hit a cord with her. Perhaps, she now considers me a fellow nerd. Hurray!

"So, how can we help?" She asks in her no-nonsense tone.

"Is there a way we could make another Cloak of Invisibility? I read that it's made out of the hair of a Demiguise."

"I don't think there's a Demiguise waiting around here to give us its hair," Ron chimes in sarcastically.

Harry looks around embarrassed. "Sorry, what's a Demiguise again?"

"It's a magical creature. The Cloak of Invisibility is made out of its hair," Hermoine says impatiently.

They take a few seconds going back and forth, thinking of other ideas.

"There might be another way, but it wouldn't be very permanent," Hermoine concludes.

"I'm open to all options," I hear myself saying, feeling dazed by my impromptu conversation with the coolest kids in fiction.

"In theory, I should be able to put an invisibility charm on an ordinary cloak. But it'll wear off after a few uses," she tells me excitedly.

I shake my head, "No, I don't think that would work. I want it to last longer."

"How about a Disillusionment charm?" Ron pipes in.

"That would actually work better than the cloak and last as long as you wish," Hermoine informs us.

I shake my head again and turn to Harry.

"Is there a way you could ask Dumbledore for help?" I ask, unabashed.

"I don't know...but I can try?" He says uncertainly.

"You could visit Dumbledore's office with Harry, after dinner tonight," Hermoine voices out a plan.

"We've got to go now, Potions with Snape in a bit, don't you have his class as well?" Ron asks.

I stare at him, stunned for a second, before quickly replying, "Oh yes, yes I do. But it would be so helpful, Harry, if we could try seeing the Headmaster after dinner?" I attempt to formalize the plan. He wouldn't refuse, would he?

Literature dictates that Harry Potter is known for taking his chances.

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