♡~° 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 6 °~♡

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   As stated before, this will contain Schlackity instead of Schlattbur. If you don't like Schlackity then I suggest skipping this chapter or feel free to follow along the story line! <3

After the ram hybrid had finished his business, he had been called back to the duck hybrids office.

The duck hybrid wanted to make sure his ex-husband was okay after the explosion.

One thing that he would have noticed were all the hickeys around his neck.

The ram knew how protective his ex-husband had been, which meant he would be questioned A LOT if he had seen his neck.

It wasn't new though. The ram had always dealt with his overprotection ever since he became president.

Sometimes he didn't mind and other times he would get annoyed, feeling like he couldn't get away from him.

He just hoped he didn't have to deal with his crap.

Before leaving, I had helped Wilbur sneak out of Las Nevadas ahead of time. If he had stayed any longer, he would've been found.

   I had left the gifts from Wilbur behind, knowing that it wouldn't be that big of a problem. The only item I took with me was the bracelet Wilbur was so insisting on cleaning.

   I tried not to think of it too much.

I arrived back in my underground room and searched for patches to cover up the hickeys. I could've used makeup instead but I had never owned any.

   I searched through the drawer full of medical supplies by my bed, scrambling around for something useful.

After searching inside the drawer for 30 seconds, I pulled out an opened box of patches and looked inside. Just enough to cover everything up.

While patching myself up, the communicator Quackity had given me rang.

(Communicator sounds cooler than phones ngl)

I looked over and noticed it was Quackity sending a direct message. I opened it and looked over at the message.


Meet me at my office. Third
floor, end of the hall. Be quick.


With putting the last patches on, I tried to be quick, not wasting any time.

I stuffed my communicator back inside my pocket and headed back outside.


Once I reached the casino, I hastily went past all the games and headed up towards the third floor. Once reaching the third floor, on the opposite side a large room filled half the floor.

There wasn't much since Quackity's office took up so much of it. I felt like he had went a little too extra with it.

Before stepping in, I knocked on the door, waiting for a response.

"Come in!"

I pushed the door open and I was now inside Quackity's office.

I took a minute to observe the room. Paintings covered most of the walls, all having the members of Las Nevadas. Carvings were scattered around, telling a story of some sort. Two large windows, along with long red elegant curtains. Behind Quackity's desk, piles of money, gold, diamonds, and much more were scattered as well.

He was insanely rich.

Quackity signaled for me to take a seat in-front of his desk.

Before speaking, I cleared my throat.

"Why was I called here exactly?" I questioned.

He only looked at me, inspecting me like I was some sort of threat to him. I shifted in my seat and noticed he gave me a confused look.

"The hell you looking at?" I spoke.

Instead of responding, he abruptly got out of his chair and walked over to me. He proceeded to get more and more closer to me before speaking up.

"What's up with your neck? You have so many patches all over you."

I tried to think of an excuse.

"I earned myself a couple of burns from the explosion, nothing too important."


"That's oddly strange."

"How so?" I questioned.

"I ordered both Purpled and Foolish to see if they had found anyone nearby the explosion. They never reported back saying you were around."

Well sh!t.

"If you don't mind, could I make sure those are burn marks and not something else?" He asked.

I had no other way out of this situation. I just hoped he wouldn't make it a big deal.

I nodded my head in agreement.

Slowly but surely, I felt Quackity taking off the patches, trying his best not to hurt my skin.

   Once he had removed the first patch, suddenly, he stopped.


"Why do you have so many... where did you get these?"

I didn't know how to explain it to him directly.

"You weren't with him, were you?"

   I felt my stomach tighten.

   Silence filled the room afterwards. This wasn't good.

   Before Quackity spoke up again, he went close to my face and whispered something.

"Although we're both not really into a relationship anymore, I don't enjoy the sight seeing you with other guys."

"Thought you didn't like me."

"I don't like you for what you did in the past, but I still love you."

"Obsessive much?" I questioned.

"Shut up."
841 words! Apologies for not updating this as much as I used to. I had lost motivation but then school came around which caused the updates to get slower. I'm also planning on making a one-shots book surrounding Quackity and Schlatt.


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