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I generally hate summer mornings. But today was the worst morning in days for me. I had already been stressing about the big, fat recession for almost a month now and counting on my days as to when it was going to strike my company. The scale made me believe that. I knew it would come – perhaps harder than I could imagine. I was still rather unsure. But it finally kissed me... yes.

So, it's been almost a fortnight now that the value of our shares has been dropping fast. It was time now for me for regular blood pressure check-ups at Dr. Steve's. "You need to get rid of the blubber" – is what he said to me. Well honestly, I don't think at almost two hundred pounds I needed to care that much (also being a hundred and eighty-five in height) but yeah, the old man cares for me and he does want me lose weight. It was not until I mentioned about my stakes to him that he understood my worry. Anyways, why am I talking this shit? It's a week now.

Coming back, when I woke up at seven, Aly was already awake and was busy in the kitchen chores with the maid. I knew I had to get to office early and I had already woken up late (I had to reach by eight; an important meeting as I had mentioned the other night). Never mind, I slept at three the night before after coming back late and completing yesterday's diary.

I decided not to bother Aly. The past few days had been harsh on us. So was I on her, I could understand. I can't even recall when was the last time I had taken her to a dinner also. With the enterprises growing up and then the hit, I was badly busy and messed up.

As soon as I got up, I rushed in to the bath, got my teeth brushed, got two muffins from the fridge, dressed up, and collecting half a dozen of folders from my work-table and stuffing them into my bag, rushed out of the bedroom. First, I went in to Nancy's room. Realizing that she was still asleep because of the holiday, I decided not to sneak in and slowly closed the door behind me. I flighted downstairs and walked over to Aly in the kitchen. She was chopping some veggies while Martha was washing dishes at the sink. She gave me a sharp, impassive look as she saw me. She had already been asleep last night when I came back. "You okay, hon?", I asked her. She nodded lightly while never stopping on her errand. She didn't seem to be in any mood to talk. I kissed her on the forehead and then checked my watch. 7:29 – it read. Bidding her a goodbye, I rushed out and got seated in my car as the driver started pulling it out.

I was not that worried anyhow by the time I reached office. The meeting was in the Conference Room on the fifteenth floor. As my chauffeur dropped me off at the building entrance and drove away to park, I saw Adrian, my employee, in the lobby. He looked worried. He was sitting on a couch in the sitting area before the reception. I walked over to him and asked him if he was alright. "There has been something big, sir. They are not telling us".

"Big? What happened?"
"I don't—".
"Yes, yes. Relax", I patted gently on his shoulders.

Then I walked up to the reception and asked Rachel if everything was alright. "Whatever it is, sir, it has been confined to the fifteenth floor. There was a maddening rush this morning but now there's silence". I was terribly worried now. I rushed to the elevator.

As I reached up, my secretary, Rosie, jog-trotted at me and told me that the meeting had started early, at seven. I gasped a little and looked at my watch. 7:54. So I wasn't six minutes early but almost an hour late. I was still amazed though. Being the boss, I should have been informed!

As mentioned by Rachel, the office really looked off. It seemed like there was no elan anymore. I asked Rosie what was it. And she did have the answer. "There has been another plummet, sir. And your officials in the Room say it is concerning". I was triggered now. 'Another plummet' and 'concerning'. I almost ran to the Conference Room right then. You finally got me, you got me, you—

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